Under the canopy of the heavens, the earth lay scarred and broken. Rubble littered the ground, smoke from burning fires filled the air, tattered flags fluttered listlessly in the breeze, and blood stained the soil crimson.,Footsteps approached, and she lowered her hands. Shi Wei Xue stood on the corridor outside the window, half of her face concealed by a veil. Her large almond eyes were filled with concern as she gestured with both hands: "Are you alright",You can chat and exchange ideas, or admire the skills here, but if you behave inappropriately, I'm sorry, your name will be hung in the main hall of Fengyue Lou for three days to be ridiculed by all the scholars and poets in the world. Unless you don't want any face left, otherwise everyone entering Fengyue Lou abides by gentlemanly conduct.。