Chapter 1193: Dispute

n holds great respect for such a respected and esteemed official."That's great, thank you for your hard work, Director Yang."Wang Xuande was also beaming with joy. In his view, with a big shot like Ya...Ye Bufan knew that his trip to the Great Dog Country this time was bound to be anything but peaceful. After rescuing Changsun Dongju, there would inevitably be a battle with the Miyamoto family.

So he didn't use his private jet, as there was a high probability of trouble returning that way.

At the same time, he also knew that the Gongben family must have been closely watching him, so he did not fly with his sword but chose the most ordinary way of travel, taking a passenger flight.

Due to the tight timeframe for purchasing air tickets, I was unable to secure a first-class seat and had to settle for an economy class seat instead.

For these things, Ye Fan didn't care much. Although he was now worth trillions of dollars, although he was the inheritor of the Shenlong Hall, and although he had already reached the ranks of martial saint powerhouses, in terms of mentality, there wasn't much change, he was still the same as before.

Now is the golden season for tourism, and after boarding the plane, the vast majority of passengers are heading to the country of Great Dogs.

He bought the middle seat. The right side window seat was a woman in her twenties with a bowl cut hairstyle and heavy makeup, reeking of perfume.

The smell was so strong, it made people feel uncomfortable when they smelled it. He couldn't help but frown, but he didn't say anything. There was really nothing he could do about it.

In the front, sitting a couple in their sixties or seventies with silver hair and plain clothes. They spoke with a strong Northwestern accent.

It's possible that the two people were first-time flyers, with their expressions and demeanor revealing a hint of nervousness and discomfort.

"Old woman, this airplane flies very steadily, it seems even steadier than a train."

The old man's voice was loud, his two hands gripping the armrests tightly. His nervous expression, combined with his local accent, caused many passengers around him to burst into laughter.

The instant noodles beside him, however, wrinkled his brow and looked at the two of them with disgust.

The old woman sitting by the window glanced out and said, "You old man, you look so nervous about taking a plane. It hasn't even taken off yet."

She leaned in close to the old man's ear as she spoke, keeping her voice low enough so that only he could hear but still clear enough for him to understand. It seemed the old man's hearing wasn't what it used to be; he was a little hard of hearing.

"We've been here for half a day, why haven't we taken off yet"

Only then did the old man relax everything.

"Everyone's waiting, what's the rush" The old woman pulled out a piece of chewing gum and passed it over. "Here you go, the child said to eat this when the plane takes off, so your ears won't feel uncomfortable later."

"Nonsense, what's chewing gum for Can it even reach your ears I don't eat that kind of kids' stuff."

The old man was very stubborn and pushed the chewing gum away with his hand.

"You stubborn old geezer, you've always been this way."

The old woman was very respectful to the old man and didn't say anything about taking back the chewing gum.

Ye Bufan sat behind the two, watching this scene, feeling very warm. The two people looked ordinary, but this feeling was incredibly solid.

This scene made him think of his missing father. If his old man were still around, would he and his mother, Sun Dongju, be as loving as this

Then he shook his head again. His father wasn't found, and now his mother had been kidnapped. The most urgent thing was to save his mother.

"I said, are you guys ever going to stop You're just chattering on and on. Can't you have some manners With this behavior of yours, how could you possibly have the nerve to go to the Great Dane Country Wouldn't that be embarrassing"

The instant noodles head beside her yelled at the elderly couple in front of her.

Oh, I'm sorry, miss. We won't talk anymore.

The old woman hurriedly turned around with an apologetic face.

At the sound of the instant noodle head shape's shout, other passengers looked over and showed expressions of displeasure.

Although speaking too loudly in public can be considered impolite, there is a reason for this elderly couple's behavior.

The old man obviously had ear problems, and didn't realize how loud he was. He was completely unintentional about it.

In this case, if you're unsatisfied, just politely hint at it. There's no need to make a big fuss, and it's even less necessary to bring someone's character into it.

In other words, if you shout at an elderly person like that, how high can your own moral standards be

That instant noodle's head shape didn't notice the discontent in others' eyes, and relentlessly shouted: "Just apologize, does an apology even work People like you should just stay home obediently, you shouldn't come out to embarrass yourselves."

"Hearing her say that, the old woman was also a bit unwilling: 'Girl, what you said is a bit too much, right Our old man's ears are a bit back, and his voice is a bit louder. How could he be embarrassing' "

The old man saw two people arguing, but he couldn't hear clearly. He asked the older woman anxiously, "Old lady, what did she say"

"It's alright, everything is fine now."

The old woman leaned into the old man's ear and said something, then waved her hand. The two of them then turned away. Normally, that would be the end of it, but the instant noodles hairstyle wasn't finished yet. It shouted at the old man again: "I said, people like you with no manners shouldn't come out, you're embarrassing yourselves!"

Now that she was speaking loudly, right in his ear, the old man finally heard her. He was immediately furious.

"Little girl, who are you saying is lacking in manners Who are you saying is embarrassing themselves"

"As for you, yelling loudly in public, don't you know how people from Daguó see your Huáxià people You have no manners, you're like pigs."

"Nonsense!" The old man's temper was much hotter than the old woman's. He was immediately furious, trembling all over, "Back in my day, I was the head conductor of the train, always an advanced individual every year, a role model worker. I have drawers full of awards! How could I possibly be lacking in etiquette How could I possibly bring shame upon myself"

"Advanced individual Model worker And an award" The instant noodles head tilted with a look of disdain and sarcasm. "What era are we in, how can you still say these things"

You Chinese people are really interesting, your heads are rusted, and you still use this to make a fuss.

"Who doesn't know that you guys are notorious for being uncouth You litter everywhere and make a lot of noise. Do I really need to say this"

Her words angered everyone and immediately drew the ire of the surrounding passengers.

"How do you speak like that Elderly people's hearing is a bit worse, what's wrong with speaking a little louder Why are you so uncultured"

The old woman has already apologized to you, and you're still making a fuss. Don't you think your behavior is inappropriate

"Aren't you also a Chinese person Give back our Chinese people!"

Faced with public condemnation, the instant noodle's shape showed no sign of backing down. Instead, it angrily shouted back in defiance.

"What I despise most in my life is you Chinese people. You are a pig-like nation, lacking in manners. Even when you're wrong, you still argue and insist on your own point of view. No wonder you are hated everywhere you go."

Seeing that this woman was being unreasonable and wouldn't stop, Ye Bufan frowned.

“I said, are you going to keep this up The old man just happens to be hard of hearing, so what's wrong with him speaking a little louder Since you claim to have good manners, can’t you learn to show some respect and understanding towards the elderly”

"Respect him" The instant noodles' hairstyle sneered, "Is he worthy of my respect Do you know what people say about you guys out there A bunch of pigs thinking they deserve respect, I don't even know how you came up with that."rl is young, but she's got a big mouth. As long as we're in the capital, there's no one I can't catch." Duan Hailiang sneered, "Take them all away."Ye Bufan said to the people of Suzaku Squad: "Alrigh...