Chapter 1264: I Challenge You

on, he confirmed that the young man in front of him was the one his grandfather had spoken of, and that he had saved his life."Helpless, he could only kneel down with a thud: "Grandmaster, I'm sorry....The next morning was the day for the free clinic arranged by the World Medical Association.

Before setting out, Pan Guangfa gathered his subordinates, those Western doctors, together. Although he was no longer the president, his influence over them remained strong.

Everyone, today is the day for the free clinic. You are all either experts from the hospital or professors who have returned from studying abroad, representing the highest level of medical skill in China.

Let's show them what real medicine is all about and give those traditional Chinese medicine practitioners a run for their money.

Zhang Jie followed up, "The boss is right. If all the patients go to our side during the free clinic, and there's not a single patient left for the Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, I wonder where that guy will put his face. He won't be able to keep the position of chief any longer; he'll have to obediently hand it back to our boss."

Another doctor chimed in, "That's right. Traditional Chinese medicine is declining now. It's not even working well here in our own country, China. I can't believe it would be any better going to America."

"We study Western medicine, and we have a foundation among the people here. We believe that we will definitely succeed."

These people were all renowned top experts back home, each with their own pride. At the same time, they felt that in a place like the US, they had an absolute advantage over traditional Chinese medicine.

Pan Guangfa was very pleased with everyone's attitude. He nodded and said, "Brothers, in just a few days, if not even one patient is seen by these Chinese medicine practitioners, I wonder what face they have to stay here. They'll have no choice but to obediently return to China early."

Yesterday, after losing his position as chairman, he was extremely unwilling to accept it. He didn't think his medical skills were inferior to those traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. On the contrary, he believed that he was absolutely much stronger than Ye Bufan.

As for yesterday's scene of curing breast cancer, to be honest, he didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart. In his opinion, the other party was rich, and that woman must have been hired as a stand-in just to show off.

This is also why he has always been harboring a grudge, wanting to reclaim his position as chairman.

Zhang Jie rolled his eyes and stepped forward, saying, "Boss, I think that's too slow and not very reliable. Why don't we do it this way instead…"

As he spoke, he leaned into Pang Guangfa's ear and whispered a few words.

"This method is good, let's do it that way."

Pan Guangfa nodded in agreement.

After reaching an agreement, they all left the room together and went to Ye Bufan's presidential suite No. 1 to meet.

Seeing the spacious and luxurious presidential suite, while they themselves could only afford a standard room downstairs, these people felt a surge of jealousy once again.

"Oh, isn't this President Pan" Cao Xinghua greeted him with a playful smile. "No, no, no... Look at my head, I'm getting old and my memory isn't as good as it used to be. You're not the president anymore..."

"Well, we've gotten used to it," Wang Xuandde followed up. "It's not easy to change our address now. Should we call you Xiao Pan, Xiao Guang, or Xiao Fa from now on"

Both elders were already in their seventies or eighties. In China, they were highly respected and wouldn't usually make fun of a younger generation.

Since Pan Guangfa became the president of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM has been under a lot of pressure. These old men have been holding back their anger for a long time, which is why they are making such inappropriate moves for their age.

But no matter what, after the mockery was over, both old men felt a sense of great satisfaction, just like drinking cold drinks on a hot summer day.


Pan Guangfa's face turned ashen with rage, but he couldn't say a word.

Zhang Jie followed up, "Don't get too cocky yet, we still don't know who the final president will be."

Lou Baiming said dissatisfiedly: "What do you mean by that, Zhang My senior brother is the president. This is the result of the election by the Chinese Medical Association. Can you change it"

Pan Guangfa let out a cold snort and turned to look at Ye Bufan: “I challenge you.”

Ye Bufan didn't really care about the position of chairman, but he was extremely unhappy with the arrogance of these Western doctors. He would never hold back when he had the opportunity to strike back.

"You want to challenge me Challenge what"

"Aren't you the so-called Immortal Doctor Let's have a contest at today's free clinic. We'll see who can treat more patients."

If you lose, meekly give up your position as the leader and take all of you back to China.

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: “What if you lose”

Pan Guangfa said: “If I lose, all of us will immediately return to China and no longer participate in this exchange meeting.”

Ye Bufan said, "I can accept your challenge, but the bet is unfair. Why should I return to China with my people if I lose, and also have to give up a headmaster The stakes are clearly unequal between the two sides."

Cao Xinghua followed up, "That's right, your abacus is really ringing, it's not fair at all."

Pan Guangfa was determined to reclaim his position as chairman, never considering the possibility of losing and paying little attention to whether the bet was fair.

The chairman's seat is inevitable, and of course, the bet will not be revoked.

He said, "Well, here's the deal. If we lose, not only will we immediately return to China with our people, but we'll also give you 1 million."

"One million" Ye Bufan shook his head dismissively. "Money I don't need money right now. "

"Alright, if you lose, you'll apologize to Lao Pan and the others publicly at the free clinic. After returning to China, you'll also make a public apology, formally apologizing for what you've done to Traditional Chinese Medicine over the years."


Pan Guangfa was a bit hesitant. As a top medical expert in China, he still valued his reputation very much.

After thinking about it for a moment, he finally said, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Then Cao Xinghua discussed the details of the wager with Pan Guangfa and others, and then everyone went to the scene of today's free clinic—Apple Square.

As the largest square in Apple City, it covers thousands of square meters. The World Medical Association has made arrangements in advance, dividing the areas for delegations from various countries and setting up tables, chairs, and other basic facilities.

And a banner clearly stating the nationality of the medical team was hung, to allow people who came here to choose their own doctor.

For some delegations that do not speak the local language, they have also recruited students from various countries as volunteers to serve as translators.

These medical teams also know this is an opportunity to showcase their nation's strength, and they are preparing very thoroughly. Some countries have even brought some of the most advanced medical equipment to the scene for on-site medical testing.

Here on the Chinese side, although it's a single area, it's clearly divided into two zones. The left side is for Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the right side is where Pan Guangfa's team operates.

Pan Guangfa is also very well-prepared, bringing many advanced portable detection instruments, such as blood routine tests, which can be completed on site.

In contrast, the TCM side is much simpler. Each person just has a table and a chair; there's no need for anything else.

Here, Ye Bufan is just himself. He doesn't even need translation.

Pan Guangfa and others felt more and more confident in their hearts. In their minds, many people in the U.S. didn't know what Traditional Chinese Medicine was, so they were sure to win this bet.

Learning from last time's experience, he even found a young doctor. First, he put the content of their bet online, and then on a platform called Douyin, he live-streamed today's free clinic to China, calling on all Chinese people to witness this match.

This way is completely foolproof, to prevent them from the Chinese medicine side defaulting on their debt if they lose.tedly, that woman became pregnant and never married. It wasn't until ten years ago, when she was on her deathbed, that she sent for her children to come and acknowledge Si Tu senior as their ancestor....