A flash of light crossed Xie Zhiwei's eyes. If there was anyone in this world who deserved to be hated more than Xiao Changxuan, it would be this ungrateful wretch right before him.,Xue Wanting's face changed, and a circle of mist rose in her beautiful eyes, filled with anger. "Never treated unfairly Same as your sisters Who doesn't know that I am merely your Xie family's cousin by marriage Every day I have to rely on the faces of your sisters to get by, and the servants of the Xie family treat people differently based on their status. Whenever I give an order, they all prevaricate and refuse to comply. As the eldest daughter of the Xie family, you naturally wouldn't experience that kind of humiliation of being a nobody and having to rely on others for everything.","It's a pity, Xiao Changxuan. You'll never have another chance." Xie Zhiwei's lips curled into a mocking sneer, her eyes devoid of the fiery hatred and killing intent that had once burned within them. Instead, there was a sense of ease and indifference. "Xiao Changxuan, I've already spoken to the new emperor. He has spared your life, allowing you to taste the bitterness of being a dethroned ruler. From now on, every day, every moment, you and Xue Wanqing will kneel before the ancestral tablet of my Xie family, repenting and atoning for your sins…"。