Chapter 9: Decision to Join

n mind.""Go get your master over here. We'll stop here for today." Liao Shu rubbed his eyebrows and muttered, "This liquor is quite potent.""Okay, Uncle Liao, please wait a moment." At this time, in W...When Wang Lin returned home, it was past ten o'clock at night. He quickly washed up and couldn't wait to hold his comic book and lie down in bed.

The first page is the rules, just skip it. When you open the second page, a bizarre painting comes into view. Wang Lin tugs at the corner of his mouth, "This style of really hard to describe."

The entire sheet has five illustrations, divided into three layers.

A creature, well, let's call it a person for now, is kicking a punching bag. The creature is surrounded by dots, and at the bottom it says "Winter Training: Nine Cold" in Chinese. Those dots must be snow.

The other picture on the right shows a person wearing a vest lifting barbells, with two dumbbells under his feet. "Strength" is written on the right, and at the very end, there's a string of small characters "This is not enough," followed by an arrow pointing to the barbell. At the top, it reads "Summer Training in Three伏 (referring to the hottest days of summer)".

"I don't understand this. Winter training through nine chills, summer training through three scorching months... What does that even mean I'll ask about it tomorrow and take good notes." Wang Lin took out a notebook to record it.

The two pictures in the middle are about a martial artist being chased and beaten by two thugs. The martial artist can't understand why he, despite practicing martial arts, is still unable to defeat two ordinary people. He goes back to research and seek revenge, but all the information he finds is full of empty words.

The bottom picture is simple, the person who was hit said "Haha, I finally understand," and at the top are five shining characters, “Infinite Fighting.”

Below are many small words, involving fraud, sneak attacks, despicable acts, weapons, ruthlessness, underhanded tactics, shameless behavior, viciousness, and poison. In short, there isn't a single honorable or upright word to describe them.

This should be the master's real experience, he was beaten pretty badly.

Wang Lin closed his eyes, engraving each word from before into his mind. Becoming a master of this area meant it would be difficult to fall behind in the future.

Just as Wang Lin was thinking for a while, he unknowingly fell asleep.

Today I'm really tired. I got up early this morning and spent the whole day delivering packages. After work, I went to study again. My time is completely full, but I didn't realize that this kind of life will accompany me every day from now on.

At six thirty in the morning, Wang Lin got up on time, washed and went to work.

The only time Wang Lin could chat with others was during the sorting hours. Actually, Wang Lin had thought about giving his receiving tasks to someone else, but after calculating it, he decisively gave up. His income would be reduced by one-third, which he couldn't accept at all.

When he's tired, Wang Lin is a master at self-comfort. He can convince himself that being tired means he's productive. Thinking like this, every day feels full of energy. If he didn't constantly reassure himself, maybe he wouldn't be able to keep up with delivering packages.

Luckily, it's the off-season now and I still have time to learn after work in the evenings. During peak season, I wouldn't have much free time left.

At this time, he made up his mind that before the busy season arrived, he should learn kung fu to proficiency. That way, he wouldn't have to go to his master's house every day.

This morning, the manager held a meeting and announced that from today onwards, there will be tiered assessments based on signature rates. At 10:00 am, 50% of signatures are required, at 11:15 am, 75%, at 12:30 pm, 95%. In the afternoon, at 4:30 pm, 50% is required, at 6:00 pm, 75%, and at 7:00 pm, 95%. Any failure to meet the targets will result in fines without any conditions.

Because of the high signature rate, everyone worked extra hard today. Wang Lin also quickly divided, scanned, packed, and loaded the truck.

After organizing everything, we'll head out quickly. If we need to deliver half by 10 o'clock, we should send the parcels to the locker and relay station first, then deliver the rest.

To save time, Wang Lin replanned the delivery route. Although his on-time sign-off rate reached the target at 10:30, it was only 65% at 11:15 and 90% at 12:30.

At 12:35, the manager arranged for customer service to send the signature rate and fines to the work group. The group instantly buzzed with activity. Wang Lin was fined fifteen yuan, while others received varying amounts.

Huatong Lao Liu: "This won't work. Even though I have many stations, people don't open until 9 o'clock. After cleaning and resting a bit, it will definitely be impossible to finish before 10 o'clock."

Huatong Dayao: "That's right, I got fined over twenty times this morning. My building is an office tower; I have to climb the stairs one floor at a time, which is definitely slow. This month, I've lost almost a thousand yuan."

"Leader, come out and say something."

"Huatong Laotian: "@Dong Hao"

Huatong Wang Lin: "I'm defeated, whether I rush or take my time, I'll get fined."

Huatong Yang Wei: "@Dong Hao, come out and speak."

Hua Tong Xiaowei: "Damn it, I got fined over forty. Are they even letting me finish"

"This is a regulation directly issued by the headquarters, and all stations in the city are like this. Currently, several station owners are communicating with the headquarters, so please stay calm."

When others saw the manager say this, they stopped complaining.

Wang Lin put his phone in his pocket. Since the supervisor said that, it meant the matter was settled. The boss had no choice either. A small site owner couldn't possibly have the qualifications to communicate with headquarters. In the end, it was still the headquarters that penalized the boss, and the boss penalized the delivery guy.

Never mind, it won't work. I'll just pre-receive it in the future, although there is a risk of being complained about, but compared to the accumulation of penalties for low sign-up rates, it's still better to do less.

By the way, Wang Erpao seemed to say that joining the association also comes with a bonus of five thousand yuan. I don't know what the responsibilities are after joining, you should give them a call and ask.

Wang Lin took out Wang Erpao's business card from his pocket and made a call.

"Hello Who is this" Wang Er Pao's serious voice came from the phone.

"I am Wang Lin."

"Is anything the matter"

"I just want to confirm, is there a monthly salary of five thousand yuan for joining the association"

"Yes, as long as you get the job, we'll pay you at the beginning of every month, no salary deductions. What do you think Have you made up your mind" Wang Er Pao's tone became much lighter when he heard Wang Lin ask this.

"What will my job responsibilities be after I get hired"

"Nothing much going on usually, I told you last time too. Our mental cultivation is about doing our own jobs well. Just do your job as a delivery person. We'll notify you if there are any tasks. And there will be extra rewards for outstanding achievements."

"Are you busy with tasks usually I'm a courier, one delivery at a time, it's not easy to take a leave." Wang Lin continued to ask.

"Not much, there aren't that many sealbreakers in this world, maybe once or twice a month!"

While Wang Erpao was speaking, a voice came from the phone, "Erpao, what are you doing I finally caught that Sun Zi! Why are you calling Damn it, that Sun Zi ran to your place, stop him quickly."

Wang Erpao gave an awkward smile, "Let's talk later, I'm busy now. I'll call you back when I'm free." He hung up the phone without waiting for Wang Lin to respond.

Wang Lin suddenly felt that Wang Erpao's work seemed pretty good too. He was always so full of...passion. Life was really full of anticipation.

An hour later, Wang Erpao's phone call came back "How is it, is there anything else you want to ask"

"What should I prepare if I get the job Is there a contract" Actually, after hanging up the phone just now, Wang Lin had already decided to join the association. A graduation job would mean extra income.

"I need three copies of your ID card, five one-inch photos, and your bank card number. Just add me to your contact list using this phone number. I'll send you the contract for you to take a look first."

"Okay, I'll get ready. Leader, when do you have time I'll send the materials over."

"No need, no need. Everyone is pretty busy. Just send it to me and I'll print it myself."

"Okay, I'll send it to you after I organize it tonight."

It's great to have an extra five thousand dollars in income every month.

"Today is a good day, everything I think about will come true." Wang Lin hummed a song, happy as a cat.or him to have any other thoughts.Ding Sheng stood up, injected adrenaline, and felt his body functions. When he felt his heart beating faster and his cells becoming active, he immediately rushed nort...