Chapter 1,191: The Righteous Thunder Sea

ware of the hostile relationship between demon cultivators and demons. Since the Demon-Taming Brush belonged to Lu Xiaoyu, he was worried that if he told the truth, Laobai would harm Lu Xiaoyu. Theref...In the middle of the plaza, and throughout the entire Lightning Dao Realm, all eyes were now focused on the clouds that had been hovering above this half of Leiyuan Mountain for countless years.

Because, it had exploded with a blinding golden light that illuminated the entire sky, like towering, surging waves of gold, madly sweeping in all directions.

In an instant, it reached a size of ten thousand zhang!

But within it, there were crashing waves and towering swells!

But, this water, it is not blue, but gold!

Because every drop of water is actually a bolt of lightning.

Even the most powerful individuals would be unable to count the countless bolts of lightning that flash here.

It was these countless bolts of lightning that formed this golden ocean of thunder.

The righteous path, the thunderous sea!

With the appearance of this golden ocean, the two halves of Leiyuan Mountain, which had been separated by clouds, began to shake violently as if they had lost their support. It seemed as though they could collapse at any moment.

However, now everyone on the upper and lower sections of Mount Leiyu feels nothing about the tremors of the mountain. Their eyes are completely drawn to that massive golden sea of lightning suspended in mid-air.

Everyone was petrified, frozen in place, even people like Di Xinghe.

Besides shock, what dominated people's hearts was more of a sense of bewilderment.

Because the righteous path before them was a sea of thunder, unlike anything they had ever seen.

Although the Righteous Path Thunder Sea only opens once every hundred years, cultivators' lifespans are extremely long. Many of the cultivators present have already witnessed it many times.

Even, some people have even stepped into it.

While they may not claim to be intimately familiar with the Way of Righteous Thunder, they are certainly no strangers to it.

The exact location of the Righteous Path Thundersea is known only to Lei Ji Tianzhu, and no one else in the entire Lei Ji Heaven knows.

And every time the Righteous Path Lightning Sea is opened, it is the Lei Ji Heavenly Lord who forcibly moves the Lightning Sea from a certain place in a special way and places it on this plaza.

Moreover, the area is only a hundred meters!

This is also why, every time someone enters the Thunder Sea, the maximum number of participants cannot exceed ten.

Because once it exceeds ten, then the amount of thunder power each person can introduce into their body is simply not enough to clear all the blockages within, let alone achieve a congenital thunder body or Dao body.

But now, this righteous path thunder sea suddenly burst open from those clouds, and its area was also greatly larger than before, reaching ten thousand zhang in size.

Besides its area, the aura it emanates and the surging thunder within it far exceed anything seen before.

If the sea of thunder before us is considered the sea, then the sea of thunder that people in Lei Ji Tian saw before could only be considered a small thunder pool.

The two are simply worlds apart, completely incomparable!

In the eyes of others, the opening of this righteous path thunder sea was undoubtedly the doing of Lord Lei Ji Tian. But in fact, the most shocked person at this moment was Lord Lei Ji Tian himself!

Even, his mouth mumbled like a dream, "It is it, it must be it! But, how could it awaken Could it be because of, because of Meng Guan"

Lei Ji's disheveled and dazed appearance left Di Xing He and the other three utterly confused, unable to comprehend what had happened to him.

Because only the Heavenly Master of Lei Ji knows in his heart, this righteous path thunder sea was not opened by himself!

Although in the eyes of outsiders, he was Lei Ji Tianzhu, the supreme being of Lei Ji Tian, the master of the righteous Leihai which could allow cultivators to achieve Dao Body or Lei Body.

But in reality, this Lei Yuan Shan, this Zheng Dao Lei Jie, even the entire Lei Ji Tian, were not his at all. They were given to him by Dao Zun as a temporary residence after Dao Zun learned that he cultivated the power of thunder.

All he needed to do living here was observe that patch of white clouds. The moment he sensed any change, he had to inform his master immediately.

Even then, he was nothing more than a jailer for the Daoist master, guarding those clouds, which were like a prison.

That's all!

At first, he didn't know what was in the clouds and he didn't care.

Because this Leiyuan Mountain is simply an ideal place for him to cultivate as a thunder cultivator.

Later, as his strength gradually increased and he had his own power and descendants, he finally became curious about that cloud.

He plunged deep into the clouds, and in the very depths of them, he discovered a sea of thunder that was a hundred zhang in size, completely formed from lightning.

But in the depths of the Thunder Sea, there is a golden light cluster!

With his abilities, though he couldn't see what was inside the light sphere, he knew that this light sphere must be the key object the Dao Zun wanted him to protect within this sea of clouds.

And for that orb of light, as Raios he felt an uncontrollable reverence.

Of course, this also made him dare not touch the idea of attacking that light cluster. However, he noticed that the thunder sea was filled with a power of thunder that far surpassed anything he had ever known.

While he himself dared not set foot there, he captured several cultivators and threw them into the sea of thunder.

After years of research, he finally discovered that the thunder in this sea of lightning could actually help people clear blockages within their bodies, and even allow them to achieve a Heavenly Dao body or a Thunder Body.

However, only cultivators below the Daoist realm are useful.

Once one enters the realm of Dao nature and the three realms of inquiry, one possesses their own Dao intent within. Therefore, even if they absorb these thunders, there is no effect whatsoever.

This discovery filled him with joy.

Although this sea of lightning no longer has any effect on him, with this sea of lightning, he can cultivate countless disciples or subordinates who possess an innate thunder body!

It was at that very moment, during a chance visit by the Daoist Sovereign, that all of what Lord Lei Ji had done was revealed.

However, the Daoist not only did not blame him but instead praised him greatly and told him that the light ball contained the true Mother of Myriad Thunders!

Even the Daoist Sovereign took personal action, employing his divine powers to separate the sea of thunder from the clouds and deliver it into his control.

Because once all the lightning within this Thunder Sea is absorbed by cultivators, it will take a hundred years for it to gather again.

Therefore, the Dao Sovereign allows him to open the Righteous Path Thunder Sea once every hundred years, allowing up to ten people to enter it and see if they can achieve a Primordial Thunder Body or Dao Body.

That's when Lei Jiutian's strength gradually grew stronger.

And soon after, the Daoist sovereign once again opened his golden mouth, allowing Lei Ji Tian to wield the power of calamity thunder. This is why Lei Ji Tian was finally able to become a powerful figure among the myriad realms of Dao.

These things have passed countless years, and there has never been any error. The Mother of Myriad Thunder within the golden orb has also remained without any signs of awakening.

But now, these clouds exploded, transforming into a sea of ten thousand thunderbolts. To Lei Ji Tianzhu's mind, this could only mean that the Mother of Ten Thousand Thunders had finally awakened.

Right now, looking at that boundless sea of thunder, Lei Ji Tianzhu should do what he needs to do—immediately inform the venerable one.

But his heart was filled with hesitation.

Because once the Dao Lord knows about this, it is very likely that he will take the Mother of Ten Thousand Thunder away.

And this also means that from then on, there was no longer a righteous Thunder Sea within Lei Ji Tian.

Lei Jiutian's strength will also gradually decline, and even he himself may be expelled from this Lei Yuan Mountain, returning to an ordinary cultivator, no longer the high-ranking Lei Jiutian master.

But, if I don't tell the Venerable Master, what if I anger him The consequences wouldn't be something I could bear.

Just as Lei Ji Tianzhu was hesitating, suddenly a loud shout erupted from the square below. Following that, a figure dashed towards the sea of thunderbolts stretching for ten thousand zhang.

And after this man, almost everyone left on the square rushed madly into the ten-thousand zhang thunder sea!

This novel is first published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Network.arms gradually approaching the ground. On his ordinary face, scales the size of copper coins appeared one by one.The entire person, from the inside out, was transforming into a demon. And it was trans...