Chapter 1555: The Apothecary of Benevolence

nothing.After a moment of contemplation, Jiang Yun finally spoke: "Your method is only treating the symptoms, not the root cause. This time you may be able to get away with it, but what if that family...In the cloud city, even in the nameless wasteland, a small town that was not well-known, quietly opened a new pharmacy called Renxin Tang!

The reason it's called "quiet" is because other stores, when they open, make a big fuss about it. They hire several clerks to shout and cheer, but this store's opening was completely silent.

Even the people living nearby didn't discover that a new pharmacy had opened there until several days later.

This pharmacy is not very large, only two floors high. The amount of medicinal herbs sold inside is not much, and they are all very common and ordinary medicinal herbs.

Although the prices are not expensive, they have not really caught people's interest, so business has been rather poor.

However, the shopkeeper of Renxin Tang obviously didn't care about the good or bad business.

When there was no one around, he would move a chair to sit outside the pharmacy, watching the bustling street and intently looking at every passerby.

On that face, which showed a hint of vicissitudes, there were times when a smile would appear, times when it would be lost in contemplation, and times when it was tinged with sadness. At a glance, one could see that he was a man of experience.

The shopkeeper's life was also very regular. He opened the shop at dawn and closed it at dusk. When there were customers buying medicine, he would entertain them. When there were no customers, he just sat by the door.

Even, no one had ever seen him go out to collect medicine, and the farthest he went was to the small restaurant across the street.

Whenever mealtime came, he would invariably close up shop for a while and saunter over to eat. He ate three meals a day, come rain or shine.

Of course, this shop owner who looked to be in his thirties was Jiang Yun!

Although there were still many things waiting for him to do, since he couldn't leave this world before attaining enlightenment, and after walking around Mo Yun City, he couldn't help but recall his experience working as a clerk in Xia Zhongxing's pharmacy in Nan Xing City.

So, I just went with the flow and thought, "If it's meant to be, let it be." I opened a small noodle shop and turned it into this apothecary. Now, I'm the shopkeeper! It's kind of like fulfilling a childhood dream.

To him, he wouldn't care about the money of ordinary people, nor would he care about the success or failure of his business.

Anything he possesses, even the most ordinary item, would be enough to provide a commoner with a life free from worry.

He just wants to find his own way through this method, by watching the ever-changing world and by immersing himself in the real human world.

Now, he goes by the alias Jian Xun, truly putting everything aside for a while and changing his appearance.

Even his cultivation had completely converged, becoming just an ordinary person among the masses.

Although this kind of life is extremely ordinary, especially compared to his previous experiences, it was truly worlds apart. However, for him, it was a rare period of peace and tranquility.

Even sometimes, when he woke up in the morning and looked at the face in the mirror, etched with the marks of time, he couldn't help but feel that this was truly his life.

And all those thrilling days, were just a dream I made up myself.

Time, in such a mundane manner, gradually slipped away. In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

The pharmacy was still doing no business, though Ginger Cloud didn't mind at all. However, the owner of the restaurant he visited three times a day was getting really worried about it.

So, that night, as Ginger Cloud closed his shop as usual and went across the street for dinner, this middle-aged man in his forties wiped his greasy palms with an apron and walked up to Ginger Cloud, saying, "Brother, can I sit here for a while"

Ginger Cloud knew that the shopkeeper's name was Zheng De. He had passed middle age and lived in the city with his wife, running a tavern. The couple were honest people and their lives went smoothly. Their only regret was that they had no children.

Jiang Yun smiled and nodded. "Mr. Zheng, you're too kind. Please sit down!"

Zheng De slumped down and looked at Jiang Yun with his already somewhat cloudy eyes: “I’m telling you, brother, don’t blame me for being nosy. Business isn’t done your way!”

"What should we do then" Ginger Cloud asked with a smile.

"You run a pharmacy, at least you must have lots of medicinal herbs in your shop!"

"Look, over there on Xidajie Street, Jishi Hall has hundreds of kinds of herbs for sale. Here, I've only seen about twenty or thirty."

Although I don't understand medicine, I at least know that a single herb rarely makes up a medicine. Most medicines require several herbs mixed together. If people can't even find one type of herb here, who would come

Just like this restaurant of mine, we sell both wine and food. If I only had one type of dish and one type of wine, even if they were the most exquisite delicacies, people would get tired of them after a while!

"So, brother, I suggest you go outside the city and hire some woodcutters or hunters who frequently go into the mountains. Have them gather more medicinal herbs for you. With more herbs, people will have more choices, and more people will come!"

Ginger Cloud listened intently to Zheng's words, and when Zheng De finished speaking, a glimmer shone in his eyes. He even stood up and bowed to Zheng De: "Thank you for your advice, Zheng shopkeeper. I have learned a lot!"

Zheng De hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, by the way, brother, can you treat people"

"I know a little!"

Zheng De suddenly slapped his palm and said, "That's even better! The Ji**ang has a doctor who sees patients and dispenses medicine directly after examining them. Anyone with a headache or fever would naturally go there!"

"If you could also practice medicine, and charge less than Ji**ang, if your medical skills were even a little bit better, then it wouldn't be long before your business would definitely thrive."

Ginger nodded and said, "I understand. Thank you, Zheng shopkeeper!"

Zheng De shook his head and said, "What shopkeeper or not shopkeeper, we are all the same. We just want to make a living in this world. If you look up to me, just call me big brother."

"Okay, Lao Zheng, I'll go back and prepare now."

Jiang Yun stood up, left the money on the table, and turned back to his pharmacy.

Sitting in the apothecary, Ginger Cloud's mind was replaying Zheng De's words.

"Lao Zheng is right, Dao Xing, is to give the Dao Ling a personality, making it more like a real person."

And in life's tapestry, each individual possesses their unique personality.

Rather than pondering here without direction, I'd rather first understand how many kinds of personalities there are in this world.

Then, choose the most suitable one for my personality from among them and give it a spirit.

Although Jiang Yun's strength had long surpassed the Daoist realm, he was truly clueless about how to comprehend his own Dao nature.

After all, his path of cultivation was almost entirely self-discovered, with no one to guide him. This left him perpetually unable to grasp the true essence.

But unexpectedly, a few simple words from an ordinary hotel owner gave him some inspiration and finally made him see a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, five colorful marks suddenly appeared in Jiang Yun's eyes. They spun rapidly, radiating a glow that enveloped his seated body.

Jiang Yun also slowly closed his eyes. All the light disappeared in an instant, and as he opened them again, a kind old man with a slightly stooped body appeared before him, smiling warmly at him and saying: "Yun'er, have you made any gains"

First published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Networkvery top.And for a considerable length of time, his name always remained at the top.Among the millions of cultivators who entered the Spirit Ancient Realm, no one could surpass his number of kills.How...