Chapter 4714: The Only Hope

atedly thanked him.Jiang Yun also politely returned the greeting. Through this scene before him, he could easily guess that these people from the Snow Tribe were actually kind and simple by nature.How...The middle-aged man's words caused Han Shiru to tremble violently. He hurriedly spoke again, "My lord, please rest assured, even if I am reduced to ashes, I will definitely find Jiang Yun and ensure the safety of the General."

In Hanshi Ru's opinion, the middle-aged man sending people to the Zhutian Gathering Region must be related to Taishi Yan's arrest, and it might even be aimed at him.

"But the middle-aged man waved his hand, stopping Han Shishru from continuing. “Now tell me everything you know about the Zhutian Gathering Realm and what happened to Jiang Yun. Don’t leave out anything.”

Hanshi Ru dared not disobey and could only explain his understanding of the myriad celestial domains.

However, he didn't know much either, so the middle-aged man frowned slightly after hearing it.

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man continued, "Until we find Taishi Yan, none of you from Tiangang First Domain are to go anywhere."

If Taishi Yan died, then this domain battle would see a new number one in the Tian Gang!

After finishing, the middle-aged man waved his sleeve, and the figure of the scholar in front of him instantly dissipated.

The middle-aged man leaned back in his chair, narrowed his eyes and said: "The Kumu Temple just sent people from all our factions to the Zhutian Collection Realm to participate in some kind of trial. Now the ruler of the Zhutian Collection Realm has arrested Taishi Yan!"

Is this just a coincidence, or is there something more to it

What secrets lie within the myriad realms of heaven

"As for the Heavenly Domain Master Jiang Yun, though his strength wasn't great, he was able to ignore the treasures on Tai Shi Yan's body and seize him. There must be some even more powerful artifacts on him."

"No, this Jiang Yun must die. If he searches Taishi Yan's soul, it will be really troublesome."

At this point, the middle-aged man suddenly raised his voice and said, "Come here!"

A man in black immediately appeared before him, bowing down.

The middle-aged man said expressionlessly: "This time, who did the Tai Shi family send"

The man in black replied, "My lord, it is Young Master Xuan!"

The middle-aged man said coldly: "The plan has changed. Send one more person.

The man in black raised his head and said, "I don't know if they sent strong or weak warriors"

After a moment's thought, the middle-aged man said, "This trial, I think the people sent by other forces shouldn't be too strong."

"If we were to send our strongest warriors directly, it would easily draw the attention of other factions. You see for yourself!"

Also, tell them that besides participating in the trials, if they encounter any Celestial Domain Masters, kill them directly.


The man in black didn't ask for a reason, simply responded with an "okay" and immediately left.

The middle-aged man closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

At the same time, within the first domain of Tiangang, Han Shishu, who had just stood up from the ground, no longer had the fear he had shown when facing the middle-aged man. Instead, his face was remarkably calm.

However, his hands were clenched into fists. He muttered to himself, "Just endure a little longer, it won't be long before this is all over!"

Taking a deep breath, Hanshi Ru unclenched his fists and spoke in a low voice: "All beings of the Tian Gang First Domain, listen up. There is an outsider cultivator named Jiang Yun."

He is the master of the Celestial Realm, he infiltrated our place, stole Mount Flesh Saint, destroyed the Tiangang Hall, killed two elders, three quasi-emperors, and ten thousand cultivators in the Tiangang Hall.

"Now, he has even taken the Commander of War hostage, using his life to pressure me into making our Heavenly Staff First Domain submit to him."

"Once he slays the War Marshal, and once we surrender, this domain war will be lost to us."

The consequences of failure are that we will all be killed.

What do you say we should do now

As the domain master, Hanshi Ru's voice easily reached every living being in Tian Gang First Domain.

Although Jiang Yun had destroyed both the Tiangang Palace and the Rousheng Mountain, killed five quasi-emperors, and captured Taishi Yan, for most living beings, he simply did not exist.

Now, with the scholar Han Shiru speaking up, they finally learned everything. After being shocked, they all became furious together.

Everything that Jiang Yun did, for the beings of the Heavenly Mandate First Domain, was like having their wives and children taken away, an act akin to cutting off their lifeline. How could they not be furious when their very existence was threatened

Therefore, soon, voices began to rise from all directions: "Find him, kill him!"

"Cut him a thousand times, and execute him by Lingchi."

"We stormed the Celestial Gathering Realm and slaughtered all its inhabitants."

Hans the scholar listened quietly until after a while, he continued, "I agree with what you said, but the premise is that we must first find him."

Therefore, starting now, you have ten days to find him, no matter the cost.

Ten days later, if I'm not found, then all of you come to Tiān Tiáng Palace.

At that time, besides the area around Xuntian Palace, I will set up a boundless thunder net throughout the entire Tiangang First Domain.

"As long as I find him, I can fulfill any of your requests!"

"Only if we find him, can we survive!"

After Han Shiru finished speaking, almost all the cultivators from the Tian Gang First Domain set off. They rushed towards Xuntian Palace while frantically searching for Jiang Yun's whereabouts.

They all know the terror of Han Shi Ru's Intervening Lightning Net. Wherever it goes, everything will be annihilated, even a Ninth Rank Quasi-Emperor can't resist it.

So, they either have to find Jiang Yun within ten days, or they have to hurry to the Chuntai Palace!

And that is the terrifying aspect of the Tiangan First Domain!

Even if it were cultivators from any other domain, they wouldn't be able to possess such decisive action and execution power as the Tian Gang First Domain.

Heading to the Palace of Heavenly Observation means they will abandon their homes and embark on a migration.

And, there are only ten days left!

Of course, this also means that those who lack cultivation, ordinary humans and common beasts, can only wait to die in place.

The reason they are able to do this is because, as the winner of last year's Domain War, all beings in the Heavenly Gang First Domain were born knowing about the Domain War and have been preparing for it since birth.

Just as most cultivators were on the move, in a world that was almost desolate, there was a small underground village.

During that time, a young woman sat on the roof of a stone house, muttering to herself, "The master of the Qitianji Domain, Jiang Yun, could it be him"

After a moment of silence, the woman suddenly jumped down from the roof and walked to a stone house deep in the village. She knelt directly on the ground and said: "Ancestors, Rui'er dares to ask, please help Jiang Yun when the time comes."

He, might be the only hope for our clan to leave this place!

The stone house was extremely quiet, not a sound could be heard.

But the woman remained kneeling there, motionless.

Just like that, after nearly an hour had passed, a voice, old and hoarse, finally echoed from within the room. "What do you intend to do"

The woman hurriedly said, "That Jiang Yun, I've met him, and he also agreed that if possible, he would take us out of the Tian Gang First Domain."

"However, it was probably just a casual remark at the time, and I didn't have high expectations."

But if we could help him once, in exchange he should take our clan and leave here.

A raspy voice spoke again, "Do you know him What if we help him, and he refuses to take us away"

Even if he agreed to help us leave, but now the entire Tian Gang First Domain has been completely sealed off. No matter how strong he is, could he take us out

"You need to know, I only have one chance to strike."

This time, it was the woman's turn to remain silent for a long while before saying, "Ancestor, this is our last chance."

If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to make a move.

After a moment of silence in the stone house, an aged voice finally rose and said: "Go!"

"Yes!" the woman replied, kowtowing three times heavily against the stone house. Only then did she stand up and turn to leave.

And when she left, there were two glistening lights in the corners of her eyes, sliding down!ther worlds!Therefore, as they entered this world, they all rushed towards the center.Naturally, along their journey, they not only encountered countless traps but also had to deal with the pursuit of...