Chapter 930: Strong Soldiers, Wise Generals

k clouds, dozens of golden thunders roared and rolled down, striking towards the three of them, as well as that kind ginger cloud.Meanwhile, the evil Ginger Cloud shifted his form and once again appro...Even the return of Aohuang and others, even events happening in the Wilderness World were not widely known.

Three months passed, and on this day, a command finally descended upon the wasteland tribe: the military merit competition would officially begin in one month.

Moreover, the rewards for this competition are not just material. The captain of the winning team, regardless of their background or status, is even allowed to observe the sacred objects of the Barbarian Race!

Needless to say, once this order was given, the entire wasteland tribe immediately plunged into a state of frantic wartime readiness.

Every member of the tribe who had confidence in himself eagerly applied to join the army.

However, precisely because this military merit competition was of paramount importance and the rewards were far greater than ever before, the three great marshals had extremely strict requirements for those who wanted to join.

Finally, when the big competition officially began, the three fierce generals each recruited enough manpower.

With a total of one hundred squads, each consisting of thousands of people, the competition to undertake various missions began.

To meet the needs of these hundred squads, the tribe naturally also increased the number of missions issued.

The number of military merits earned naturally varies depending on the difficulty level of the completed tasks.

Although everyone wants to seize missions with high military merit, they should also assess the capabilities of their own squad.

For some missions with an extremely large number of military achievements, several squads often join forces to complete them together and share the military achievements equally.

In summary, the Military Merit Competition was an internal competition within the Savage Race, but its influence extended to nearly every corner of the world.

The true purpose of the Grand Tournament, besides providing an opportunity for all tribes and wildlings to train, is naturally also beneficial to the growth and development of the Wilds.

Even after the start of the Imperial Military Merit Competition, the Temple of God-Slaying, which had periodically harassed the Wasteland Clan, was forced to temporarily restrain itself.

Time flies, and before we know it, another year is coming to an end!

Within this past year, both in the desolate tribe and within countless worlds, several earth-shattering events occurred.

The biggest thing is that the Yinling Realm Beast clan, as one of the Nine Extinction Clans, was completely exterminated by the God Slaughter Hall in just a few months.

Only one or two boundary beasts escaped, while the rest were killed.

Although they are one of the Nine Races, the Yinling Beast clan is not particularly powerful besides their large size and ability to devour.

Even, some people believe that the underworld beasts might be pets raised by the other eight tribes.

Because the Eight Tribes already knew that the Yinling Realm Beasts were weak and unable to protect themselves, and they also knew about the God-Slaying Hall's attack on the Realm Beast Tribe, yet they did not send anyone to help them.

From this, we can see that the other eight tribes did not place the Beast Tribe on an equal footing with themselves.

However, it's not something ordinary people can achieve to eradicate the Yinling Beast Clan. This shows that the current strength of the Slaying God Hall is truly formidable.

The destruction of the Shadow Spirit Beast Clan shocked countless worlds and served as a warning to the other eight clans, prompting them to strengthen their defenses and increase their power.

Not long after the beast race was wiped out in the Netherworld, the barbaric world under the rule of the wasteland clan also publicly declared rebellion against the wasteland clan!

This message did not cause much of a stir, not even the Savage Tribe paid it too much attention.

It's just a guess, but the Savage World should have colluded with the God Slaughter Hall. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the guts to rebel against the Waste Clan.

However, on the task list released by the Savage Tribe, a new top-ranked task appeared!

Although this mission made all the soldiers' eyes light up with eagerness, no team dared to take it on.

Even if a million members of the Wasteland Tribe united together, they would still have no confidence in completing it.

This mission is to quell the barbarian chaos!

As for the rewards of military merit, they are even more appalling.

100 million!

One hundred million military achievements, even if divided equally among a million people, would still give each person ten thousand military achievements.

No matter how high the rewards, they are meaningless if you don't survive to claim them. That is why this mission remains at the top of the task list, constantly motivating all the Wastelanders.

Besides that, there was also a piece of good news in the tribe.

As the clan leader's son, Hou Tu got married!

On this joyous occasion, the members of the Wild Clan sent out invitations far and wide, inviting guests from all corners. It truly was a lively celebration.

However, there are also those who believe that the Savage Tribe is using the pretext of the young chieftain's marriage to forge alliances with several other tribes, in order to better counter the increasingly powerful God-Slaying Temple.

However, this is just speculation and there is no concrete evidence.

But no matter how you say it, nowadays, the Barbarian tribe, even other tribes, including outsiders, all have a strong interest in the Barbarian tribe's military merit competition.

As the first stage of the Grand Tournament draws to a close and we enter the second, everyone is eager to see who, in this extraordinary time, will claim the top spot on the Savage Tribe's Military Merit List!

Because everyone knows, at this time, being first on the military merit list not only allows one to stand out from the countless others, receive heavy favor from the tribe of savages, and accept a large amount of rewards, but also becomes the mainstay against the God-slaying Temple in the future!

How are we doing so far

A-Huo sat in the tent that once belonged to Jiang Yun and opened his mouth to address Yi Zheng, who stood before him.

At this moment, Huang Yu was clad in armor, though his bearing was valiant and imposing, there was an undeniable fatigue etched upon his face.

A year ago, she had wanted to personally lead the Ginger Cloud squad of 10,000, taking them on missions and earning military glory.

But as a general of the wasteland, her request was flatly rejected by the old man of the wasteland!

Because the military achievement assessment is not about showing off strength, but rather about evaluating the overall capabilities of individuals and small teams.

Although Huang Yu is an individual powerhouse, the overall strength of their 10,000-man squad led by Yi Zheng falls short!

Even with Huya leading, this squad of ten thousand wouldn't achieve very good results.

In the end, it would actually drag down Huang Yu. After all, if Huang Yu chose another squad, they would definitely earn a lot more military merit.

After several applications were rejected, Huang Yu had no choice but to appoint another trusted confidante as the captain of this small unit.

And this squad was also treated specially, they didn't need to carry out too many missions or compete for military merit. They were only responsible for collecting various intelligence information.

As for herself, she led the strongest squad, vying for military merit.

However, as a field commander, she also had to keep tabs on the situation of other squads under her command at all times.

If a team encounters danger while on a mission, she must also rush to their rescue.

Therefore, this year has been extremely busy for her, with no time to rest at all.

Now that the first stage of the military merit competition is coming to an end, there are only three days left before the second stage begins. Most squads have basically returned to camp for adjustments, and she came here specially to understand the current situation of obtaining military merits.

Yi Zheng straightened his body and said, "Among the top 30 teams, we have seven squads, while Huang Yongfeng has fifteen squads. Additionally, another general, Huang Xun, has eight squads!"

"Huang Yongfeng!" Huang Yu rubbed her temples, a helpless expression on her face.

Although the chieftain said that Gingercloud might have been taken away by the Chaotic clan, she has remained silent for over a year. This has deepened Araw's hatred for Araw Yongfeng.

Although she was determined to defeat Huang Yongfeng in this military competition and gain glory, it was obvious that the strength of Huang Yongfeng's soldiers far surpassed her own.

Out of the thirty, half were under Huang Yongfeng's command. It goes without saying that Huang Yongfeng truly commanded a large and capable army!

First Release on the繁體Novel Website who was still unconscious in his arms, Jiang Yun truly didn't know where to go or how to arrange for this poor woman after leaving the Yue Ling clan.I can't possibly hold her every second from now on...