Chapter 1084: Entering the Inner Court

nli running on the treadmill and walked over to guide her on how to adjust her breathing rate and arm swing during her run. He helped her maintain control of her body even in a state of extreme fatigu...The remaining five ladies heard Wen Ruan's words, and their faces finally improved a bit. After discussing together for a while, the five of them decided to accept the compensation from Wenjia Fort and leave here as soon as possible.

Although the three sons of Wen Jia Bao met their criteria for a husband, they valued their own lives more than anything else. Besides, with compensation, they could at least live comfortably.

Thus, Wen Jia Bao notified the families of these five young ladies and took them all away.

As she stepped into the inner courtyard, ripples of energy washed over her. A powerful spiritual aura filled the air, stirring something deep within her body. Though tempted to give in, she held back with a smile, remarking:

"This place is really beautiful, it truly lives up to its reputation as the inner courtyard. I feel like the air here is even sweet."

After finishing, he took a deep breath.

Wen Ying only glanced at the ripples and didn't respond.

"I think this place is beautiful too."

Hong Ling'er smiled gently in appreciation. Like ripples, she seemed to have also glimpsed something.

Only Song Jia looked around foolishly, her voice tinged with excitement:

"This place is so big, it's even bigger than the mansion of our lord back home."

Song Jia has a baby face, and she still hasn't lost her baby fat. I don't know how her family could bear to send her here. Perhaps it's because of her endearing looks.

"Ladies, before the wedding, you will each live in your own courtyard. We have Luoyun Garden, Ziyun Garden, and Xianyun Garden for you to choose from."

Warm Cherry, business is conducted in an official manner.

"I choose Ziyuntuan."

Ripple spoke first.

Then I shall go to the Luoyun Garden.

Hong Ling'er followed closely behind and spoke.

The only one left is Song Jia's.

"You shall send the three young ladies to their respective courtyards."

Wen Ying waved her hand.


A group of people behind him carrying things nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, the three parted ways at the crossroads and went to three different courtyards next door.

After the maidservants had placed everything, they were ready to retire.

Li Chun and Xia Zhi bowed to Lian Ri before speaking:

"Miss Hua, everything is settled. We're going back to the outer courtyard now. Wenying will arrange a new maid for you."

The ripples broke up Lìchūn's words with a wave of his hand.

"Now that I've finally gotten to know you all, why are you being replaced Can you stay and continue serving me"

This slave does not know.

"Go find that matron in charge from earlier and tell her it was me who wants you to stay and continue serving me."

"This servant shall go and inquire."

Before spring had even spoken, summer arrived with a wide smile, showering everyone with good fortune. Then it turned and strode away quickly.

"Miss Hua, this is not proper."

Li Chun whispered.

"Rules are made to be broken, people are alive. Besides, they're serving me, as long as I'm happy, that's all that matters. I'm going to be the future mistress of Wen Manor, he, Young Master Wen, should be able to fulfill my little request."

Ripple said carelessly.

Twenty minutes later, Xia Zhi came back with a smile on her face. After paying her respects, she said:

"Miss Hua, the madam agreed that I and Sister Lìchūn can stay to serve you."

"Then that's settled. Help me bathe and change first. I wonder if I can see Young Master Wen at lunchtime. I must dress up beautifully and not be outdone by anyone else."

Yes, Miss!

With a smile on his face, he greeted the arrival of Spring.

She didn't expect Miss Hua to actually allow the two maids to stay in the inner courtyard. To enter the inner courtyard and serve was no easy feat, requiring one to pass through five hurdles and overcome six barriers. Now, because of Miss Hua's single word, they had been allowed to remain with such ease. Naturally, they had to do their best to impress.

Since the three of them entered the inner courtyard, everything that happened was relayed to the ears of the three young masters of the Wen family word for word.

"Big brother, it seems Miss Hua is determined to have you."

Wen Jiaxuan wrinkled her nose and said.

"Xiao Xuan, don't always stare at your older brother. You should also choose a wife. Do you like Hong Ling'er or Song Jia"

Wen Shige smiled and asked.

"Hmph! I don't like anyone. Knowing they have problems, why would I marry them"

Wen Shixuan shook his head.

"We all know they have problems, but we don't have evidence, that's why we need you to get close to them and find their weaknesses!"

Wen Shirui said gently.

They definitely won't reveal themselves easily.

Wen Shixuan sighed.

So we need to let them relax and feel like they've gotten away with it, that they're already secure as Mrs. Wen, then we can catch them.

You're a master of both medicine and poison, you must be able to find their weaknesses.

Wen Shi-go smiled and encouraged.

"Second brother, I understand!"

The youngest Wen Shixuan ultimately agreed.

Let's go, our future wives have entered the inner courtyard. It's their first day, we should at least accompany the three young ladies for lunch.

Wen Shige suggested, as if he were fulfilling Ripple's request.

After instructing Wenying to take charge, the three of them walked towards the dining hall.

Ripples changed into a red dress, different from yesterday's style. It made her skin look like snow, even more beautiful and charming.

Hong Ling'er changed into a refreshing sky-blue skirt, her eyebrows and eyes were like paintings, gentle and moving. She was the opposite of Lian Yi.

Song Jia wore a pleated skirt with a pink short shirt. She looked pretty and cute, and her style was different from the other two.

Ripple entered the small dining room and saw Wen Shirui at once. She smiled and walked forward to greet him:

"Master Wen, it's good to see you again!"

He immediately looked at the other person's waist and saw that the jade pendant he had sent was hanging there perfectly. His smile became even brighter.

Hong Ling'er blushed as she politely greeted Wen Shige. Song Jia also went through the motions, her attention mostly on the dishes laid out on the table.

"Ladies, please have a seat. Today is your first day entering the inner courtyard, so I've prepared some wine and dishes to welcome you."

Thank you!

Three people politely declined and then took their seats. After a brief exchange of courtesies, they began to eat, the atmosphere becoming momentarily silent.

With a smile, she put down her chopsticks after eating some of the ripples and said:

"Dear Master Wen, if I enter the inner courtyard, will I be able to see you often"

"Miss Hua, can't you be more reserved"

Wen Sh Xuan immediately retorted.

"Tsk! You little brat, what do you know When you meet someone you like, you have to strike first. Besides, we came to Wen's Manor to marry the young master of the Wen family, so naturally we need to cultivate our feelings."

"Hmph! My older brother isn't bad either!"

Wen Shixuan immediately pulled out his second older brother.

"The metallic smell on him was too strong, I don't like it."

Ripple spoke plainly.

As soon as these words were uttered, the dining hall fell silent. Hong Ling'er and Song Jia both gently put down their chopsticks. They felt a wave of pressure.

"Oh Miss Hua's nose is so sensitive, I didn't even smell it myself."

Wen Shige said this very calmly.

"When you're in it, you can't smell your own scent."

The ripples said matter-of-factly, as if it were nothing unusual.

"Is that so Then it should be so! What smell does my brother have on him that you like so much"

Wen Shige continued to ask.

"Brother Wen had a refreshing aura, like the cool fragrance of fresh snow falling on bamboo in winter. It made me feel happy and relaxed!"r you investigated earlier. Using a wind element magic circle, we'll silently deliver the sleeping agent to them.Leia, you use magic to disguise yourself as Corlia. Gray and I will pose as your assis...