Chapter 1121: Held Back

games and slacking off, just like last time. It was as if nothing had happened.The next day, ripples went to the Zeng Group with her bodyguard. In the top-floor office of Zeng Hongliang, she met all...After glancing at the latest news sent by his former colleagues from Central Star Port, Lance twitched the corner of his mouth. Now he was one hundred percent certain that the Black Tiger Pirate Gang's act of surrendering themselves had to be a ripple's doing.

Although there wasn't more detailed information to help him judge, given the little girl's shrewd personality, she wouldn't just let herself be kidnapped.

Don't ask him why he's so sure, because all the people who were captured and made into hostages for pirates are children preparing to take the Central Star Academy entrance exam. So Ripple must be among them.

Rance wanted details, so he contacted his former colleague Amyl. She was also a beastman, a she-wolf to be precise, and they had been involved in the past, so he was much more direct with her:

"Emil, there's a hostage among those controlled by the pirates named He Lianyi. She came from Planet Lante. Is she alright"

There was one person who stood out, they wiped out half of the space pirates with their own alien extermination weapon.

Emil, with his neat short gray-brown hair, was deeply impressed by Ripples. When Lance mentioned it, she immediately told him about it.

On the planet Rent, her xenograft could only promote crop growth.

Lans said.

"Is that so You think He Lianyi is suspicious She hid her ability to grow alien plants"

Emil immediately perked up, stating that the investigation was currently underway and she wouldn't miss any leads.

She belongs to the Star Harbor Division of the Central Star Police Department, one of the few female officers. Her ability to remain in the Central Star has proven her capabilities. To have better development, she will definitely not miss any opportunity.

"I have some guesses, but these are just my guesses and I don't have any evidence."

Loc didn't want to mislead mile, and simply attributed these thoughts to his own personal opinions.

"Lance, don't be hesitant, just spit it out so I can make my own judgment."

Emil knew about Lance, his former boyfriend, so he said it plainly.

Besides, it's worth questioning whether she would judge for herself. She's not the kind of person who believes everything someone else says, even her ex-boyfriend.

"Well, He Lianyi is not the first time encountering this kind of situation, to be precise, this is the third time."

Then Lans detailed the two events of ripple's active and passive participation.

Emil fell silent, his slender fingers tapping lightly on the table. After a moment, he spoke.

What you're saying is that these things are all happening around her, but you can't find a direct connection between Helian and these events.


"I understand, I'll take care of the rest and keep you updated. I'll contact you if there are any breakthroughs."

Thank you!

"Thank me for what This is just my job."

Emil smiled and said.

"How are the cases I handed over going"

Lance asked, referring to the three deceased synthetic superhuman cases.

"Sorry, I'm not familiar with that. You know the rules, and this case isn't under my direct responsibility."

Emil shrugged.

"I know, if there's any news, remember to let me know."

"This is no problem."

After the two people finished their conversation, they each hung up the video call.

Emil sat at his desk for a while, organizing the information Lance had told her, before leaving the office.

Ripple had finished taking her statement and signed it. She was about to leave the Starport Police Department, but Emil walked straight up to her, blocking her way.

"Miss He Lianyi, I have some details I'd like to confirm with you again. Would you mind sparing me a few minutes"


The ripple's refusal was abnormally abrupt.

Emil raised an eyebrow, surprised to be rejected.

Ripples rubbed her cheeks and said:

"Officer, I'm the victim. It's been over half a day since I was kidnapped and rescued. I'm extremely stressed, hungry, and I've already cooperated fully with the police investigation by telling you everything I know."

Although I'm not sure what specific details you still need to verify, I hope we can schedule a separate time. Right now, I just want to have a good meal and find a place to stay in preparation for the upcoming assessment.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking things through. We could exchange contact information first and then schedule a time."

Emil immediately said.


This time, Lianyi readily agreed and then added the other person's contact information to her smart wristband through a click. After politely bidding farewell, she left.

Although she had just turned thirty, according to the laws of the Star Federation, she was considered an adult and therefore capable of independent action.

After leaving Xingang, Lianyi used her neural wristband to call an unmanned levitating car and had it take her to the nearest real estate center.

"Dear guest, please fasten your seatbelt. Hovercar 7712 is delighted to serve you. Your destination is the Central Star Academy District Housing Rental Center. Departing now."

After the ripples were safe, she started to communicate with Sixth Grade:

"What about that female officer Did you leave a tail"

"No way! It was Officer Lance who held you back. He and Officer Emil, who stopped you earlier, are former colleagues. They had a friendly chat before stopping you. I bet he told him something."

I've already planted a program in Officer Emiel's neural implant. It will take some time to gather specific information, so please be patient.

"Tsk, Officer Lance is truly a wolf. He's so relentless in his pursuit of his prey; it's quite unpleasant."

Lian Yi helplessly pressed her forehead.

"We just have different viewpoints."

Little Six said, in a rare moment of comfort,

I know, the good thing is he's not a bad person, otherwise I would have crushed him long ago.

"Ripple, I think you're a little violent!"

Xiaoli rejoiced in the misfortune of others.

"Alright, stop making fun of me. If I get caught, I'll rat you out first thing!"

This Lance officer is too much of a nuisance, I'll give him some trouble.

The Xiaoliu (small six) mouth wind turbine rotates very fast, demonstrating a high level of intelligence and its ability to adapt to changing conditions.

"No, it's just a bit more trouble, it won't really hurt me. To get out of this situation where I'm being watched as soon as possible, I want to do well in this admission assessment."

After a moment's thought, Lianyi spoke.

"Understood, I'll help you."

After the flying cars arrived at the housing rental location near the academy, Ripple and Xiao Liu had already formulated a preliminary plan. The rest was to implement it step by step. However, the most important thing right now was to solve the problem of accommodation.

The one who greeted Lianyi was a biomechanical robot. The other party patiently selected a twenty-square-meter single-person apartment within the rent range Lianyi provided. It was already on the fringe of the Academy District, there was no way, Lianyi was a child from a poor family, and her Federal Credits were limited.

"Okay, then this set, until the hospital admission assessment is finished."

"No problem, we can sign a short-term lease."

The attitude of the bioengineered human was excellent.

Ripple paid 300,000 Federation credits. After signing the contract, she received the entry code through her neural implant. She decided to go see her residence first.

This time she chose to take public transportation, after all, she had just paid a month's rent and she wanted to maintain her image.

"Xiaoliu, guide me to my residence by means of a transportation hovercar."

Okay, now starting navigation!itable host for demonic energy to reside in.Having confirmed her guess, Ripple decided to take decisive action. She transformed her spiritual energy into a needle and directly pierced the beast's core...