Chapter 1192: Good Begets Good

way and letting them go.They could only quickly apprehend the person. If they let someone escape under their noses, their Shadow Guard Camp couldn't afford to lose this individual.After Ripples finish...The three members of the Xing family, with the help of a local guide, easily found their accommodation at the guesthouse belonging to Huo Zhenxing's pharmaceutical factory. Wu Yufeng worked at the guesthouse.

To show her gratitude to Lian Yi, she specially booked a small suite for the family of three and went to the unit canteen to get some food, allowing the Huo family to have a simple meal first.

"I'm a bit pressed for time today, and we haven't prepared anything at home. You must be tired after your long train journey, so why don't you rest first I'll treat you to a meal at my place tomorrow. Please don't refuse."

Wu Yifei sincerely thanks the three members of the Xing family.

"Wu Tongzhi, you are too kind. This is already very good and solves our urgent need. We should be the ones thanking you."

The ripples smiled and said.

"Alright, then. I won't disturb your rest. I'll be going now."

** Lin refused to be swayed by Wu Yifan's advances, and after saying her piece, she left in a hurry.

The three members of the Xing family looked at each other, and then Old Man Xing spoke:

"Let's eat first, and we can talk about the other things tomorrow."

After dinner, Lianyi took Mr. and Mrs. Xing to the inn's bathroom to wash up and change into fresh clothes before they sat down together to chat.

"Yo, you were a little reckless today."

Mr. Xing criticized.

"It's not that we're stopping you, it's just that we don't know this place well. What if something happens to you What could we do as an old couple"

Xing's mother also sighed.

"Father and mother, please rest assured. I'm confident in my abilities, so I wouldn't have taken action without being sure. "

Ripple was confident in her own abilities, but she also understood the concerns of her elders.

We know you're capable, but what if something goes wrong! This time the result is good, but it doesn't mean it will always be so lucky.

Old Xing still rambled on for a few more words.

"Father, I have remembered what you said. I will think carefully before acting in the future."

Ripple immediately assured.

You know what you need to do.

Old Xing didn't want to say too much, and seeing his daughter getting impatient, he promptly ended the topic.

The ripples also chimed in and started talking about other things:

"Mom and Dad, I think the Huo family is quite good. They are grateful and know how to repay kindness, and this place is the pharmaceutical factory's territory. They are the local snakes here. I want to ask them to help us find a house. What do you think"

Can this work What if they don't want to

Mrs. Xing is a little worried.

"It should be fine. We're not refusing to pay rent, we just want them to find a reliable place and make sure we don't get scammed. I'll handle this, you guys don't worry about it."

Ripples stated directly.

"Alright, I hear you."

Old Mr. Xing came out with his daughter this time, and he also knew that his daughter was reliable, at least stronger than his three sons.

"By the way, I need to send a telegram to Guoqing tomorrow to tell him not to worry. We'll let him know when we find a house and then he can send us things."

Old Xing said something else.

Liàn Yī immediately nodded in agreement. To be honest, without Father's reminder, she had completely forgotten to inform her family back home. Mainly, her three older brothers were unreliable and were currently busy making money. They probably wouldn't even think of her.

"Okay, get some rest. You haven't been getting enough sleep these past two days."

Master Xing gave an order, and everyone went to bed early.

The next morning, just after the three of them finished washing up, Ng Wing-Fai brought breakfast over.

"Wu Tongzhi, you're too polite!"

Ripples immediately smiled and thanked.

"It's all in the right place. I work here and just brought it over."

Wu Yifan smiled and said.

After returning home last night, the family of four had a simple meal and then, after putting their child to sleep, the couple asked some more specific details. They confirmed that the three members of the Xing family were good people, especially since they learned that Lian Yi was here for university and attending the local military academy. Immediately, they included this lifesaver within their potential dating pool.

The three of them were still discussing how to thank the Xing family.

"Zhengxing, how do you think we should thank them Should we give them gifts or money"

Wu Yufan asked.

"Since they can afford to come here for college, they probably aren't short on money. Maybe we could help them out somewhere else."

Ho Zhenxing rejected the idea of thanking benefactors with money.

“I think that girl came here to study with her parents. Her parents seem like honest and hardworking people. I wonder if they have any relatives back home. If not, I guess they will settle down here. Then we’ll see how we can help.”

Then, the old lady thought for a moment and said.

"Then let's wait until tomorrow, when they all come over for dinner. We can talk about it then."

I'll be on the early shift tomorrow, so I can bring them breakfast for their family of three. I'll also ask them to come over for lunch.

Wu Yifei immediately agreed.

In the afternoon, Xing's family of three went to the residential area of the pharmaceutical factory under Wu Yifei's warm invitation. Old Lady Wen cooked a table full of delicious dishes to treat the three guests.

Lianshan looked at the table filled with fish and meat, knowing that people were sincerely grateful. She took her parents' hands and sat down, enjoying a sumptuous lunch.

After lunch, Lianyi took the initiative to ask Huo's family for help finding a house.

"Auntie Wen, this time I came to university with my parents. I'm not planning on letting them go back. There are some troublesome relatives at home, and I don't want my parents to be troubled at their age, so I let them come over to keep me company while I study."

Although I don't know where I will work after graduation, at least these four years will definitely be in Changsha. So I want to arrange my parents before the start of school. Finding a suitable residence is very important, so I hope you can help me.

"This is easy to handle. What are your requirements for the house"

The old woman asked.

"A two-bedroom, one-living room apartment with an independent bathroom is fine. Ideally, it should be on the first floor as my parents have trouble with their legs and find it difficult to climb stairs."

"If we don't have to pay a deposit, we could pay four years' rent all at once."

Ripples immediately spoke.

Where exactly do you want to rent a house Is it near your school

Then the old woman asked again.

"No need for that, I think this place is quite good. We're just getting here, and it's nice to get acquainted with your family. Besides, this is the unit's family housing complex, so the people are relatively simple and safe. I feel reassured knowing my parents live here."

Ripple has already stated it very clearly.

"If you say so, I understand. You two can stay at the guesthouse for now and rest assured. I'll inquire around here and let my daughter-in-law know as soon as I have concrete information."

The old woman immediately said that she had already decided to mobilize her old sisters for help.

"Okay, then please trouble Auntie. Thank you for your effort."

The ripples immediately thanked her.

The Xing family of three had finished lunch, and they now had a direction for the house matter. They strolled back to the guesthouse.

Over the next week, Lianyi went out alone several times and looked at houses for rent, but she couldn't find a satisfactory one, so she could only return to the guesthouse and wait for Wen Laotai's news.

Hard work pays off. Lao Tai Wen found a house for rent in the north dormitory area of the pharmaceutical factory through someone she knew.

After receiving the message from Rainie Yang, ripples went to see a house with her parents the next day.

The North Dormitory area is housing built with funds from the pharmaceutical factory, so it has ownership rights. The elderly couple who lived there recently passed away, and everyone around knows about it, so it's not easy to sell or rent out."No, I think it's fine here. With so many people crammed into the shelter, there will be more conflicts. Besides, I'm on the fifteenth floor and didn't get flooded. I have enough food stocked up. If I...