Chapter 388: The Destruction of the Sacrifice Formation

Lin Zhean began to prepare for the Enke Examination a month later.Because Lin Ze'an has a solid foundation and experience studying abroad, he stood out in this year's civil service examination and wa..."Master Honglian, this person appearing here now is not a coincidence. Will it affect our future actions"

Chapter Manager analyzed calmly.

"This is a wizard."

Hong Lian spoke succinctly.

"Oh Then we definitely can't let him stay here. What if he wakes up and ruins your setup"

Zhang's reaction was quick. He immediately patted himself down, looking for something to tie this person up with.

"Don't make things so complicated. After this is destroyed, he'll become the suspect, perfect for letting him take the fall here. Just don't tell anyone you saw him."

Hong Lian flashed a charming smile, made a gesture for silence, and then raised her hand to strike out nine jade talismans, which landed in the nine positions around the swimming pool.

Zhang Zhuang just watched, not saying a word to disturb the scene. He occasionally glanced at the unconscious man, afraid that he would wake up and ruin Master Hong Lian's arrangement.

"Let's go!"

After Hong Lian finished speaking to Zhang Zhang, she turned and walked away.

Before leaving, Zhang Zhàng cast one last glance at the unconscious man, then hurried after Hong Lian.

When the two arrived at the rendezvous square, Ripple and Wuyong had already been waiting for half an hour.

Is everything alright on your end

Hong Lian directly asked.

"I met my former disciple. He has taken up the dark path."

Ripple said nonchalantly.

Then how did you handle it

Honglian curiously asked.

"Of course, I shattered his cultivation. One cannot allow a warlock to grow stronger; it goes against the principles of our mages."

"Har har! When that ingrate wakes up, he'll probably hate you."

"I won't lose a piece of meat! Don't talk about such unlucky things, how is it going on your side"

"Well, you reminded me, I actually did meet a sorcerer, and you've met him too."

"Oh Who is it"

"The man who hit on you at the bar and tried to attack you."

"So it was him. Looks like his father, that warlock, had a hand in these formations too."

Before the ripples, during the setup, she had already discovered that while the sacrificial formations in the four haunted houses under Feng's name were the work of Liang Feng, the five places she was dealing with this time were not the work of a single person.

According to your guess, his father was a sorcerer, probably under the Feng family. How did that white-eyed wolf get mixed up with them

Hong Lian frowned and asked.

"You forgot, Gao Yang is now a sorcerer, and his father is one too. It's not surprising they mixed together. How did you handle it Didn't interrupt your arrangement"

"No interruption, I just threw him on the scene. When the formation is broken, that indoor swimming pool will also be destroyed. Then there will definitely be an abnormal situation, so let him take the blame!"

Honglian tossed her hair and said with a smile.

It's about time.

They looked at each other, then each sat cross-legged and simultaneously activated their prepared formations.

Ten locations almost simultaneously exploded, the sacrificial formation was completely broken. Guo Huai, who was far away abroad, felt it, and so did the other person.

Guo Huai immediately stood up and ignored the questioning officer. He directly instructed his assistant beside him:

Call home and explain the situation. Get ready to make an escape as soon as possible.

The assistant, after hearing Guo Huai's words, also froze for a moment. Then, she picked up her phone, said something to the officer, and left the interrogation room.

At three in the morning, the housekeeper received a long-distance call from overseas. He hesitated, not daring to disturb Mr. Feng's rest, but the situation was urgent. If he waited until dawn, he would probably be scolded even worse. He had no choice but to grit his teeth and knock on the bedroom door.

After the ripples and red sealant worked together to destroy the sacrificial formation, they left the small plaza at top speed and went home to await news.

Wu Yong and Zhang Zhuang couldn't rest. They had already put the project team on standby.

As expected, half an hour later, police reports started pouring in from the ten locations. People described seeing black smoke billowing, with faces within it. Some reported hearing explosions, while others claimed to hear a woman's cries, like that of a ghost.

Feng immediately deployed troops to these ten locations to cooperate with local police in the investigation.

Even the beat cops in the area were puzzled. It was just a routine call, how did they get the task force involved But after seeing the scene, they thought it was better to leave it to the task force.

The lightning rod tree on the golf course was knocked down by an external force, turning black and smoking. There was a severed finger nearby, and several skeletons were pulled out from the roots at the bottom of the fallen trunk.

The security guard watching the court immediately said that an hour ago, a man ran here and injured himself, knocking himself unconscious. He has already been sent to the hospital.

"Officer, do you think this person used some kind of sorcery to cause this I've been working here since the field was built. That wooden post has been standing there through wind and rain for so long, it's never been damaged like this. There was no thunder or rain tonight, so how could it be charred and smoking"

"Rest assured, we will not let any suspect go free, and thank you for the information you provided."

The officer was quite responsible and contacted the hospital. The information he received matched what the security guard had said, and it seemed that the victim's right index finger had been severed by a sharp weapon. When the ambulance arrived to pick up the victim, they didn't find the severed finger.

"We know, please temporarily detain this person. He is a suspect in a case and we will see him later."

The officer said sternly.

"Okay, please rest assured! This man is currently in a coma and very weak. He couldn't even walk if he wanted to."

The person across from me also explained the situation readily.

The indoor swimming pool on the other side was even more intense, collapsing directly onto one side. Inside, they found bones, and not just one set. The first night manager to arrive was so scared that he fell right into the water and then discovered Guo Zizheng.

The night manager wasn't stupid, he knew this kind of thing couldn't be covered up. He immediately trembled and reported to the police, reporting Guo Zizheng as the culprit who was suspected of causing all this commotion.

Throughout the night, there were harvests of varying degrees at ten different locations. The news spread rapidly within the circle and also alarmed the president of the Magic Association.

Over the next month, reports kept coming out, all pointing to the Feng family. As the investigation deepened, all eyes turned to Feng Junyi, who had already fled.

When the building was about to collapse, everyone naturally pushed it. Some who were wise and wanted to protect themselves also quickly drew a line with the Feng family. No matter how hard the Feng family tried to smooth things over, it was useless. The Feng family paid a huge price for protecting Feng Junyi's misdeeds.

Guo Huai returned to the country the day after the incident, but his son became a suspect because he couldn't explain why he was there in the middle of the night. After the Arcane Association intervened, they discovered that he was an arcanist and would not easily let him go.

Gao Yang was even worse off; he still had residual evil energy on him. He was identified as a warlock by the Arcane Association and directly controlled by them. People like him couldn't be held in ordinary time, Silas' face was rather heavy. After letting Ripple sit down, he opened his mouth:We have found the fugitive, but he is dead."Huh Then what about the cultivation chamber that was stolen f...