Chapter 551: Encountering the Invaders

ntributions, and the five military corps are the main source of students for the Military Academy. However, there is only one quota and it is limited to direct relatives.Even if Ripples changed her na...Raul listened to the news Ripple brought back and said it was fine. He happened to take this opportunity to buy a batch of medicinal herbs unique to the Eastern Continent. For their pharmacists, as long as they could refine medicine, it didn't matter where they went.

And Corlia, who had already reached the apprentice knight rank, expressed great enthusiasm for going to the Eastern Continent. Since they were investigating the reason behind the monster rampage, it was certain that they would have to delve deep into the monsters' lair. Her contract beast, Avin, was the most advantageous safety guarantee, and with Helena's protection as well, she readily agreed.

Since they had reached an agreement, the rest would be easy. This time, Coralia took the lead and found a freight convoy from the White family heading to the Eastern Continent. They followed along, not afraid of getting lost, and could even help transport goods.

This batch of goods consists of physique-enhancing agents and breakthrough potions that have already begun nationwide sales. Of course, there are also some other goods, each placed in the spatial waistbands of ten individuals. As long as the safety of these ten people is guaranteed, there will be no problems.

Afterward, the seven of them got ready again and left Yinmaché City with the White family's troop. It was mainly because they were here that the delivery team specially detoured to pick them up before boarding the wyverns and taking the air route to the Eastern Continent.

The Pterodactyl's massive frame stands fifteen meters tall, capable of carrying both people and cargo. Because it excels at long-distance flight, the Pterodactyl is the preferred choice. Primarily, this is because few are willing to spend too many gold coins on magical teleportation portals, which are expensive.

One person spent five days on the back of a wyvern before finally landing at an edge city on the eastern continent.

The moment his feet touched the ground, Raul sighed with relief.

"It's still better to be down-to-earth! When I have enough gold coins, I'll travel everywhere through magical portals."

"Raul, think about how much high-quality medicine you could buy with the gold coins you've saved. You wouldn't feel this way then."

Goliya smiled and replied.

"Hearing you say that, I think riding a wyvern would be pretty cool too."

Raul shook his head and said.

Immediately, a procession of people and the White family's entourage entered Silas City at the edge of the border.

Since Si Lan City is located on the edge of the Eastern Continent, it attracts the most merchants. There are also many mages who come here to travel and take on missions. Over time, although it's a small town, it's very lively. However, this has also led to a mixed population, with people from all over the continents.

After entering the city of Silan, they went to a shop that the White family frequently collaborated with. They sold some goods and then rested for a day at the inn prepared by the shop.

The next day, they continued on their journey to another shipping point designated by the caravan.

"Lotus, we can follow the White family's caravan for a third of the way, and then we'll have to turn towards the Beast Forest in the Eastern Continent. But before that, it's best we gather some information about it. Don't just rush in blindly."

Leia rode astride her silver steed, keeping pace with Ripple, as she spoke her suggestions.

"Well, you're right, so I plan to split up with White Family's caravan at the next city. In fact, we've already slowed them down. After splitting up, I'd like to take you all to Lianjia to visit family and gather some information. What do you think"

The ripples always respect Leia's opinion.

Would it be inconvenient for us to go to Lian's house together

"We trained together, and now we're practically a team of friends. There's nothing uncomfortable about it. To Lianjia, I'm probably just an unfamiliar face."

Ripple said nonchalantly.

She just wants to ask on behalf of the original owner, why after so many years she hasn't bothered with Lian at all. At the very least, Lian's family is considered an in-law to the original owner's family.

Then I have no problem.

Then, the ripples also told Raul and Corlia about this decision, and everyone thought it was fine, so things were settled.

A group of people traveled with a merchant caravan. After traveling for three days straight, on the fourth day in the evening, they camped out among a cluster of rocks. They set up their tents and activated magical protective shields. After dinner, everyone except those on watch duty went to rest in their tents.

In the dead of night, ripples suddenly woke from her sleep. She smelled danger and immediately used her divine sense to investigate, discovering seven or eight transparent figures approaching their tent.

And their magic circle was held open by something unknown, creating an entrance. These translucent figures were pouring through this unnoticed opening, the guards having been silently slain.

Ripples drew out her lotus magic staff first and slammed it heavily on the ground. For a moment, the entire ground trembled, waking everyone up.

Everyone rushed out of their tents at top speed and found the source of the cracked ground was in Ripples' tent. Their faces immediately changed, about to rush in, just as Ripples burst out.

The ripples that surged out directly addressed Raoul:

"Mark the potions!"

Raul didn't ask for a reason, he just threw three vials of the fluorescent green reagent, which Ripple had previously used as markers, to her.

"Lay siege, shroud the entire camp with wind!"

Laya thrust her magic staff into the ground, and a wind spell formation instantly spread across the entire camp.

"Lotus, what's going on"

Leia asked loudly.

Gray, Corlia, and Helena all had their weapons drawn, eyes scanning the area with caution. Seeing that the guards hadn't stirred despite such a commotion, and with the caravan members huddled together in a tight circle, they knew someone had entered the camp.

Something crept into the camp. Everyone widened their eyes and looked closely.

Immediately, ripples threw the marked potion into Layti's magic circle. The shattered marked potion instantly covered the entire camp, and then everyone discovered that seven or eight figures had turned fluorescent green.


I don't know who shouted, but everyone immediately turned their weapons on those people.

Ripple instantly teleported to the location where the magic circle was broken, sealing the place where these people entered with a magic circle. Then, using the magic circle to levitate in mid-air, she monitored the entire scene to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

These figures, upon realizing they had been discovered, ceased their concealment and launched a counterattack. However, their weapons were not swords and magic circles, but rather heat weapons. Laser guns and lightsabers clashed with magic circles and knightly sabers, sparking in a dazzling display of contrasting energies.nt to Wu Dachai, sobbing and telling him she was willing to give up her position as his main wife, not hindering him from having a son, and demanding a divorce to take their daughter away.Wu Dachang,...