Chapter 19: Xu Jingming and Liu Hai's Goal

advantage"Yes 。Although Xu Jingming felt it would be very difficult to defeat the Chijue Traveler, in actuality, during this confrontation, the Chijue Traveler was at a disadvantage. 。I have been bea..."My footwork, I haven't deliberately practiced it, but it has reached the fourth rank." 。"Xu Jingming smiled, "I have to thank the Huahong Gun Technique" 。The Huā Hóng Gun Method itself comes with its own body techniques. With long-term practice of the Huā Hóng Gun Method, Xǔ Jǐngmíng's footwork has become increasingly refined. 。Many of the moves in the Starry Gun Style also incorporate footwork. 。

The arduous training of the two major gun techniques naturally propelled his footwork to the fourth rank. 。"The last time I went to storm the Starry Sky Tower, it was 12% of a super-order body." 。"Xu Jingming thought, 'During the fight with the Monkey King last time, I barely managed to injure it by relying on the indomitable advance of the Rainbow Gun Technique.'" 。"Now that my skills have improved significantly, I'll try again. " 。Xu Jingming was brimming with fighting spirit. 。After watching Minami Miyagawa and Tiger*Furusen's match, these two are still weaker than myself for now, not suitable opponents. 。As for the Ape King...

He's a very strong opponent!

"Whoosh" 。Xǔ Jǐngmíng came to the task space and arrived in front of the Star Tower. Looking at the names on the huge starry list, there were now 83 names. 。

"This is the third layer Starry Sky List. It's more interesting to be ranked on the fourth layer Starry Sky List." 。Xu Jingming strode into the Starry Sky Tower. 。A moment later 。Solitude appeared outside the tower, Xu Jingming's face filled with helplessness. 。

“Lost again” 。Although Xu Jingming was unhappy, he also understood the gap in strength. "Using the Huā Hóng Gun Technique, his speed could rival that of the Monkey King," 。It is less flexible and powerful, and in a fight... I'm still slightly outmatched. 。"To kill the Monkey King, it's simply not enough.

" 。This monkey king is too agile. 。"Xu Jingming pondered, "I must gain the upper hand. Then, relying on the speed of the Huí Hóng Gun Method, I'll catch him off guard and kill him with a single shot!"

"I need to be stronger..." 。Xu Jingming looked at his personal combat power panel. In terms of skills, only the Shield Technique remained at level 3, 99%. 。"Break through the shield technique to level four first!" Xu Jingming thought secretly. 。The next focus point is on shield techniques. 。

Cultivating two kinds of weapons is beneficial. 。Because different weapons have different ways of exerting force and fighting. For example, if you hit a bottleneck with 'gun skills', practicing 'shield skills' might give you a different perspective. 。If you only focus on one path and hit a bottleneck, walking into a dead end, you might not even realize it. 。

Two roads prove, one can go farther. 。In his personal training ground, Xu Jingming began setting up the training mode on the panel: "Meteor Shower Mode" 。At the same time, he reached out with one hand and grasped a round shield in each. 。"Let's begin!" Xu Jingming looked up at the sky. 。

Meteorites streaked across the sky, each one tearing through the heavens at an astonishing speed, plummeting towards the canyon where Xu Jingming stood. 。Each meteorite burns with flames, some large and some small. The large ones are as big as ten meters in diameter, while the small ones are about the size of a basketball. These meteorites travel at supersonic speeds, their power terrifying. 。"I blocked " 。Xu Jingming used his body technique to constantly move and dodge within the canyon. When he couldn't avoid it, he used his shield to block, not daring to meet force with force, he could only try to reduce the impact. 。Even a small meteor, he could only reduce its force. 。He wouldn't dare touch meteorites larger than a meter in diameter, for the impact force alone would pulverize him. 。For a time, meteorites fell densely, and the canyon trembled constantly under the impact. The shockwaves rippled outwards in all directions. Xu Jingming moved constantly within the canyon, his shield tirelessly parrying...

Suddenly, Xu Jingming couldn't dodge in time and was struck by a meteorite nearly ten feet in diameter. At the moment of impact——

All meteorites in the world came to a standstill 。According to the training mode setting, as soon as Xu Jingming is killed by the meteorite, all meteorites will stop moving. 。

"Call" 。Xu Jingming, who was once illusory, has now fully recovered. 。"My footwork isn't fast enough, and my shield techniques need work." 。Xu Jingming walked to a place with fewer meteorites and looked up, "Continue!"

All the originally stagnant meteorites continued to fall. 。

Training is also ongoing

Liu Hai also watched Miyagawa Akiko and Tiger * Furukawa's match, and he didn't have any intention of challenging them. He went to the fourth floor of the Starry Tower and played a game. 。For a moment, he was also ravaged by the Monkey King. 。"This Monkey King is too cunning." 。"Liu Hai looked up at the Starry Sky Tower, "Speed and agility are both above me. Although too reckless, exposing many flaws." 。But he was extremely agile, and I couldn't find any openings in his defense. 。"

I have to get stronger, only then will I be able to seize its weakness and bring it under my control. By then, I'll be confident in killing it." 。"Liu Hai's goal now has always been this ape king" 。Compared to global masters, the Monkey King is more challenging. 。The fourth floor of the Starry Tower, it's still pretty tough. 。"Liu Hai returned to his personal space and continued to ponder that eighth-order inheritance." 。Xu Jingming, Liu Hai, and Ti Yano of Xire all did not participate in the Global Showdown again. 。But there was one person who frequently attended, and his brilliance shone so brightly that it astonished people all over the world. 。That's Minase Kawaguchi!

After losing a tough match against Tiger*Fusun on October 21st, Minase Kawaguchi challenged the top ranked hand in Italy, Wen*Gulte, on October 22nd. This battle was one-sided, with Kawaguchi winning within a minute with an unscathed, single blow, defeating Wen*Gulte. 。。Haru *Singh's evolution method also reached the super-rank. A pair of curved knives imbued with strange magic made Minamoto Kazu suffer, and at one point, Minamoto Kazu was even put on the defensive. 。But in the end…

Miyagawa Akari's footwork also broke through to the fourth rank, making his movements even more eerie and terrifying, defeating Haru * Singh!

That terrifying movement shocked audiences from all over the world. Everyone believed that his current strength might have surpassed Tiger * Fosen! It is very likely that he has also surpassed Xu Jingming, with a faint momentum to challenge the world's number one! 。Japan, the dojo of Kawaguchi Akira in the Palace River. 。In the forest, the wind rustled through the leaves, a silence hung in the air. Only Miyako Ginkaku sat alone, cross-legged. 。Suddenly, an elderly man quietly approached here. 。Ming Xin, congratulations on your further progress in kendo. 。The elder said 。Miyagawa Akiko sat cross-legged in the forest, and at this moment, she opened her eyes and asked, "Mr. Sato, can you know about my breakthrough in strength" 。"Are you aware of the strength of the world's top players"

"I am ashamed to say..." 。“The elder said, ‘The Blue Star Alliance only allows the five governing countries to access the combat data of all people worldwide. Our Sakura country has no such authority.’” 。We can only access the combat data of everyone within China. 。" Mikiya Miyazono nodded slightly. " 。"In the last two days, Mingxin, you haven't challenged anyone." 。The elder asked, “Now that you’ve made a breakthrough in swordsmanship, will you challenge me”

"You're even more eager than I am." 。"Kawakami Akira said" 。"No..."

The elder immediately said, "We only care about you" 。I'm planning on a duel, but I don't know who to duel. 。"Palacekawa Akira said," 。Now looking at the global stage, Liu Hai hasn't participated in a single global confrontation yet, and only Tiyano * Xilei has played two matches, and their strength is still unclear. 。“The elder said, “Those who are suitable to be your opponents are only Tiger Woods and Xu Jingming.” 。"Tiger * Forson I've had one fight" 。Minami Miyagawa said 。"Xu Jingming might be more dangerous" 。“The old man said, ‘The strength he showed when he defeated Alan *Emmerenko is comparable to yours, Mingxin.’” 。"His current strength might even surpass yours!"

"That's precisely why it's worth challenging him!" Miyagawa Akio's eyes were filled with fighting spirit. "I've never cared about losing, as long as I can learn from the experience and become stronger." 。Even losing a battle can be meaningful. 。The elder nodded and said, "When do you plan to fight him"Palace River Mingxin thought to himself, "Naturally... the sooner the better." 。The elder nodded: "Then I'll contact the Xia country officials immediately and finalize this challenge." 。Thanks Mr. Sato. 。Miki Miyagawa said 。"It is my pleasure to be of service" 。The old man got up and left. Now, in the Land of Cherry Blossoms, Miyako's influence is too great. He is worshipped by everyone and is the strongest swordsman in the Land of Cherry Blossoms. The people of the Land of Cherry Blossoms all believe that Miyako will become the world's number one. 。And now, Miyagawa Akari is indeed showing such potential!

Miyagawa Akari sits alone in the forest, listening to the sound of the wind in her ears, her eyes distant 。Compared to the great being in cosmic legends, what are the masters on planet Blue Star 。"That's the direction I should be pursuing," Miyawaki Akira muttered to himself. 。

Miyagawa Akiko stood up, and with a single movement, extended both hands, each holding a sword. 。

"Wan Jian Training Mode, Begin!" Kiyomizu Akira voice command 。Suddenly, countless arrows rained down from all directions in the forest, all aimed at Minamoto no Kawakami. Minamoto no Kawakami's figure blurred as he moved through the hail of arrows, sometimes deflecting them with his sword. 。In reality, inside the living room... 。Li Miaomiao answered the communication, and a figure of Director Zhou appeared on the light screen. 。Mr. Zhou

Li Miao Miao immediately got up, a little surprised. 。I contacted Xu Jingming, but I couldn't get in touch. 。 。Jing Ming is not in the virtual world, he is now meditating and has closed all communication. 。“I immediately explained, ‘Only important matters would warrant me waking him up.’” 。Chief Zhou nodded: “That’s right. The Sakura Country officials sent word over that their Miyagawa Minko wants to challenge Xu Jingming, and the time can be determined by Xu Jingming.” 。"


" 。Li Miaomiao said 。"Don't disturb Xu Jingming, wait until he wakes up after refining his heart, and then tell him the news." 。"Zhou, the director said, 'Once the battle information is confirmed, please notify me.'" 。"I understand"

"Li Miaomiao nodded, then hung up." 。That's all for today's chapter. 。

This is a chapter I wrote in advance because I have to leave early in the morning to attend a provincial conference. 。This meeting will last for five days, from the 18th to the 22nd, and will be held in a closed format. 。>Every day the meeting lasts from morning till night, only in the evening does Tomato squeeze out some time to write novels. 。Let me inform you in advance that this five-day period, the tomato update can only guarantee at least one chapter per day! Please understand. 。ruption, with blood flowing too fast. His eyes were bloodshot, and I bet all the capillaries in his body burst.”"Li Maomao, you must hold onto your brother-in-law! Such a powerful brother-in-law is de...