Chapter Twenty-One: Xu Jingming and Liu Jianfeng

Crimson Jade Traveler glanced at Xu Jingming's astonished relatives beside him, and when he spoke, the Crimson Jade Traveler deliberately made sure that the surrounding creatures could hear. 。was als..."That Old Master Liujianfeng is going to make a move against Jingming." 。In the live broadcast room, Xu's mother became nervous, "Can Jingming block his sneak attack"

"Sneak attack, it's all about being unexpected" 。"Xu Hong said solemnly, 'That Liu Jianfeng senior walks silently and is extremely fast. Once he makes a move... If we discover it too late, Jingming might not have time to react and would be killed by a single sword strike.'" 。This is the power of an assassin. 。"Isn't that the first one out" Mother Xu worried. 。But once we find them, it won't be a problem. 。Xu Hongdao 。"Uncle, can Jingming spot the other party" Li Miaomiao asked. 。"I don't know, both sides are divine-level experts, it's hard to say" 。Xu Hong stared intently. 。

In the live room, countless viewers were staring intently at the upcoming confrontation. 。Xu Jingming held a long spear in his right hand, watching in all directions and listening with utmost attention as he carefully and quickly advanced down the alley. 。He was wearing light armor and carrying a shield; his movements would inevitably make some small sounds. 。If they are those who wear soft leather armor and cultivate techniques like the "Shadow Leopard Evolution Method" and the "Phantom Cat Evolution Method", their footsteps can be practically ignored. 。He didn't know that, at this moment, above the alleyway in front of him, a thin old man named 'Willow Arrow Wind' was lurking. 。Liu Jianfeng crouched there, silent and motionless, only observing Xu Jingming from the corner of his eye. His breath was so faint it was almost nonexistent, and the world around them seemed to have fallen into a hushed stillness. 。Xu Jingming didn't notice and continued moving forward. 。Just as the two sides were about three zhang apart. 。

Liu Jianfeng's eyes narrowed. 。With a deafening boom!

In an instant, the entire person seemed like a bolt of lightning, plummeting down from above the alley. As soon as Xu Jingming looked up, he saw a flash of sword light approaching the front. 。The instant Xu Jingming looked up, his right hand instinctively thrust the long spear upward. 。The long spear was a blur, just as fast and terrifying!

"Clang" 。The piercing sword light flashed, colliding with Xu Jingming's spear. At the same time, borrowing the recoil force, that small figure like a monkey stepped on the alley wall and leaped onto the top of the alley, disappearing from sight. 。

Having failed to land a blow, he had already fled. 。"Damn it!" Xu Jingming had cold sweat on his forehead, "There was no sound at all. He made a move, and only when the airwaves caused by his attack reached me did I feel something. I barely managed to block it. If I hadn't, I would be dead." 。Before, whether it was sparring in the training ground or in ranking matches, the opponents were all virtual. 。Within the virtual world, real masters clash. This was Xu Jingming's first time. 。As for the martial arts competition in reality, it is also a one-on-one match on the stage in broad daylight! Being assassinated by a master, Xu Jingming was also experiencing it for the first time. 。Having walked the edge of death, Xu Jingming felt a chill run down his spine: "Fortunately, I often practice the Shadowless Thrust. The speed of my instant attack allowed me to escape unscathed." 。And far away 。The thin old man, Liu Jianfeng, also had a smile in his eyes: "Quite a formidable young fellow. Within three zhang, I launched a surprise attack with my sword, and he was able to react." 。The first clash between the top players of this epic battle instantly sent the official livestream in Xia Guo into a frenzy. 。"Beautiful!" Huang Yong exclaimed. 。"He was handsome even when being assassinated, and he defended himself handsomely too!" Qin Yiwu's eyes also lit up. 。Liu Xin waved his hand and clicked, in the live-broadcast combat space 'High Sky' area, starting to replay the slow motion of the previous fight.

Look, when Old Master Liujianfeng was hiding, he was like a dead tree, without any movement at all. 。Xu Jingming was oblivious. 。When he got close, Old Master Liujianfeng made his move. 。Huang Yong pointed at the picture. 。In the slow-motion scene, when Liu Jianfeng pounced forward, his whole body seemed like a sword piercing out. 。It wasn't until he made his move that Xu Jingming realized something was amiss. 。"Huang Yong pointed at the picture, "At the moment he looked up, the tip of Liu Jianfeng's sword was only a zhang away from him. It was too close. At that sword speed, it would take only about 0.06 seconds to hit Xu Jingming." 。"Although after cultivating the Evolution Method, humans' limit reaction time has become shorter " 。Huang Yong said, "But physical movements also take time." 。Look closely, Xu Jingming holds a gun in one hand, his body tenses, the spear shoots out with a powerful thrust, the blur of its shadow is too fast to see. This is an instant burst of strength! As swift as lightning! Even so, it's too late to block this strike, his spear is aimed directly at Lord Liu Jianfeng's body. 。。Qin Yiwen said, “If Master Liu Jianfeng continues to dive, the spear will pierce his body first! Master is extremely quick with his changes, and his sword light has already slashed down after a turn.” 。This sword light, in a turn... is just as fast as lightning. They say swords are quick! But to be this quick, is truly amazing. 。 。Qin Yiwen exclaimed: “From the start of the move to the disappearance, it only took 0.68 seconds, less than a second! It’s simply amazing! In the past World Martial Arts Tournament, there has never been such a finely honed exchange!”

“I have to admit, Master Liujian Feng is truly terrifying! Xu Jingming's marksmanship is also terrifying, worthy of being called the Gun Demon” 。"One old, one young, they showed us a true feast for the eyes!" Huang exclaimed in amazement. The more people who are in the martial arts fighting circle, the more they are intoxicated by such a confrontation." 。Isn't this a thousand times, even a million times more exciting than any movie

In the live broadcast studio audience, the viewers were also boiling over with excitement. 。"Can humans even do this""If I were Xu Jingming, I wouldn't even notice it at all." 。Even if they looked up, it would be too late to fire a shot, right 。"In a flash, how could he draw his gun so quickly""Let me give you a piece of common knowledge: Gun demon Xu Jingming, whose world-renowned ultimate move is called 'Invisible Thrust', is known for his incredibly fast drawing speed." 。Xu Jingming drew his gun quickly, but Old Master Liu Jianfeng's countermeasure was even faster. 。The moment Xu Jingming drew his gun, the sword in his hand changed its form. 。The clash between the two sides is truly amazing. 。From being attacked by Elder Liu Jianfeng to escaping and disappearing, it only took 0.68 seconds! Is this human

This is a god!

Is this what a godly battle looks like

Mom and Dad, I'm scared!

The live stream's comment section was flooded with messages. 。Host Liu Xin was also boiling with excitement: “This is a god-level battle, this is just the first clash in this epic confrontation.” 。"The number of viewers in the live broadcast is also rising rapidly, now reaching 500 million. This is an astonishing number of viewers." 。

“Pretty” 。"Shooting skills are beautiful" 。Mr. Xu Guishun, Mr. and Mrs. Xu Hong, and Li Miaomiao and the others were all nervously holding their breath before the confrontation ended. When it was over, they became excited. 。Listening to the commentary from two national team coaches, it's even more exhilarating! 。Jingming's gun skills are really impressive. I can see it with my eyes, but I can't learn by hand. 。Mr. Xu Guishun sighed with emotion. 。"One assassination was beautiful, one counterattack was beautiful. The way he exerts his strength, I taught Jingming, but now I'm not as good as him." 。"Xu Hong exclaimed with a smile, "To cultivate an inch of strength to this level, there are probably only a few in the world. My son, six six six!"

Li Miaomiao also watched with bright eyes: "That's really amazing" 。She was a swordswoman. She felt that the swordsmanship of Elder Liu Jianfeng was even more terrifying than that of Cong Yao, a top swordsman from the national team. Yet, her man had managed to force the elder to retreat. 。Li Chen'an and his wife were also watching the battle scene of their prospective son-in-law, both nodded in satisfaction, and the smile on their faces became more and more radiant. 。A drizzle-soaked town 。The archer Wang Yi crouched halfway on the roof of a tavern, carefully observing. 。This tavern may not be the tallest building, but the view is already quite good. The angled rooftops before and after the tavern happen to provide a perfect hiding spot for her. 。I arrived

Xu Jingming arrived at the back garden of the restaurant and said in a team voice chat. 。I stood outside the wine shop, on the main street watching... 。Wu Sai was hiding in a residential house opposite the wine shop, able to monitor a large area of the street in front of the wine shop. 。"Jingming and Wu Sai, you two protect our archers first. I'll be there soon." 。"The panda Zhang Qian said in the team voice, 'He's a bit chubby, so he walks a little slower. Please bear with him.'" 。I patrolled within 200 meters of the archer. 。"Master Dong Xu, the cunning dual-sword wielder, was also silently patrolling everywhere." 。Just then, a nimble figure flashed across the roof from afar. Master Dong Xu, the wielder of the twin blades, saw the other party and transmitted a message to his comrades within the team: "I've found Swordswoman Lian Shuang!"dent." 。"Don't worry, he'll watch the game videos after the first round ends. " 。 。Official live broadcast, with a match scheduled every half hour. 。"Hengfang said, 'Actually, a match lasts at most...