Miss Qian’s face paled; after all, she was just a naive and pampered young lady. Although she had learned etiquette and state laws, such knowledge flew out of her mind when emotions overwhelmed her. Now reminded by the guards' words, she suddenly remembered what it meant to be in the presence of an emperor.,Moxiuyao sneered and said, "What's this little brat up to now" When Mo Xiaobao turned fifteen years old, he finally won the right to use his full name. The previous Duke Ding finally felt guilty about having his son, who was going to inherit the position of Duke Ding, using such a childish nickname that harmed the dignity of the Duke Ding.,Ye Li sighed softly, looking at Mo Xiaobao’s playful look and Mu Su Yun’s solemn expression, she shook her head and said, "My son is mischievous; please forgive him."。