Chapter 734: Youth. New Beginnings

e stain on his shirt, Lawyer Zhang hurriedly pulled out a few tissues to wipe it for Zhuo Yu'an. Zhuo Yu'an raised his hand to refuse, then got up and walked outside alone.He drove, speeding all the w...Listening Lan shivered all over, that sense of absurdity was frightening. She deceived her mother, tricking her into going to the hospital for a check-up, only to discover that she had mental issues.

At that time, it was still occasional and not severe. When we got to the hospital, Mom had already completely woken up. So the doctor prescribed medicine and advised us to observe her at home.

Later, Tinglan learned that her mother had known about her mental health issues for a while and had been secretly taking medication. However, she had been pushing through with willpower to renovate the house for Tinglan.

That night, when she got home after midnight, her phone automatically shut down so she didn't see any missed calls. The next day, when she turned it on, countless text messages flooded in, all sorts of businesses promoting Christmas activities. At a glance, they were almost all spam, and due to her mother's situation, she had no heart to look closely, choosing to delete them all with one click.

Just a few days after the new house was renovated, my mother fell ill. She laughed and cried at home, and even forgot who she was. There was nothing we could do but send her to the hospital.

Looking back now, it's just a few fragments, but the fear and helplessness at that time have been branded into her heart. So she can only hold on, work hard, make money, and make herself strong enough to be a support for her mother.

Over the years, she gradually realized a truth: time can dilute many sorrows and ease many hardships. Countless times, when she felt like she couldn't go on, she gritted her teeth, and in fact, she got through it.

So she left everything to time and never complained.

Life went on in its usual routine: work, commuting, a weekly visit to the hospital to check on my mother's condition. It was uneventful, a quiet two years from the day she fell ill to her hospitalization, passing by in the blink of an eye.

She has been at this company for almost 4 years if you include her internship.

The news that the company was going to be acquired had been circulating for a while, and Tinglan initially didn't pay much attention, thinking it was just hearsay. It wasn't until Mr. Shi called her into his office and personally told her he planned to sell the company that she started to take it seriously.

This is Tinglan's first job, and Mr. De has taken good care of her, so she is very reluctant to leave.

"Is something wrong with the company" she asked.

Mr. Shi shook his head and said lightly, “No, I just want a long vacation, so I'm looking for a company that can take me further.”

After finishing his sentence, he continued without waiting for Lan's response: "I've already spoken to the acquisition party. If you're willing, you can continue to stay here."

This was the main reason he sought her out.

Tinglan answered, "Let me think about it."

Her salary increased by 50% every year from her internship to her formal employment, she knew this was because Mr. Shi had instructed them to give her a raise. If she went to another company for a similar position, her salary would probably be much lower.

But if Mr. Shi was no longer at the company, she had no reason to stay there. Moreover, if she continued to work as legal counsel for other companies, her career path seemed to have a ceiling, and her salary would also be quite limited. So, at that time, she had the idea of challenging herself by joining a law firm.

When the company was acquired, she went above and beyond to make sure everything was wrapped up nicely for her final days there.

There's a saying that when God closes one door, he opens another. So, even though her life was a mess, her career was always doing well.

Before she even graduated, she met a mentor like Mr. Shi, who gave her a stable job; and now that the company has been acquired, she has gotten her wish to be employed by the talented Hongzheng Law Firm.

On the first day she joined Macrozheng Law Firm and received her employee card, she took a picture like when she first started working at Yan Network Information Technology several years ago and uploaded it to her Moments.

This caption: A fresh start, a new journey.

Optimistic and positive about the future.

Lin Zhiyao sent her a private message, inviting her to dinner to celebrate her new job. She replied yes.

Cheng Chen also liked it and then sent her a private message: You should have left the company and joined a law firm earlier, there's challenge and future here. Lu Kuo is also in Senzhou, I told him to introduce you more clients.

Lu Kuo Tinglan remembered that he had contacted her several times during university, but after graduation and starting work, he seemed to rarely contact her again. Only occasionally at the high school reunion of their classmates from Senzhou, would he send her a message to inform her, but she never went.

Zuo Yunan also saw her post on WeChat Moments, so she quit that company

After that Christmas, he never looked for her again, even after he returned to his country and opened a branch office, settling down. He still didn't look for her.

Her Moments feed has always been public, and he only had a handful of close friends on his private WeChat account. So every time she posted to Moments, it almost appeared at the top of his feed without him having to scroll.

He enlarged the work ID she had sent, taking a look at the one-inch photo first. She was wearing light makeup and smiling faintly at the camera, her eyes sparkling. His heart skipped a beat as he thought to himself, "How can someone be so beautiful even in their ID photo"

The lanyard on the work card belongs to Hong Zheng Law Firm

Zuo Yunan went online and checked it out. It was a well-known red circle firm in the industry. The law firm's office building wasn't far from Zuo Yuan Technology, just a few kilometers away.

That day after work, he found himself driving to the law firm's building on a whim. He didn't get out of his car, just parked by the side of the road.

It's fate, isn't it As I was leaving work, she walked out of the glass revolving door in the building. Her business suit fit her perfectly, and the dark red low-heeled shoes on her feet made her walk with grace. After stepping outside, she took a phone call and then smiled as she skipped over to a girl standing nearby. She naturally reached out and linked arms with the girl.

The girl seemed to disapprove of her outfit, tugging at the clothes on her chest. She swatted the other girl's hand away playfully.

In just a few minutes, Zhuo Yu'an found himself able to see with such detail, even noticing the color of her shoes down to the last detail.

My heart was beating rapidly, not as dull and heavy as before, but alive and vibrant.

Over the past few years, with the development of his career, there have been many beautiful women who have proactively thrown themselves at him. He has also met many excellent women in his work.

But he remained unmoved, not even considering the possibility. It was simple really: he felt nothing.

That day, back at his usual hotel, he was in a good mood and wanted to invite Lu Kuo out for a few drinks, but Lu Kuo had gone to Qining again. He opened a bottle of wine himself, drank it while flipping through her past social media posts.

He knows almost everything about her food preferences.

The next morning, he again allowed himself to park his car on the roadside in front of Hongzheng Law Firm's office building. Since he didn't know what time she would arrive, he arrived an hour early. Half an hour before their law firm started work, he saw her walking towards them from the subway exit in the distance.


Author's Note:

Throughout the main text, Tinglan always remembered Zhuo Yunan. She remembered him as a high school classmate of hers who would often visit Lu Kuo. She remembered, she remembered the rice noodle shop.

Regarding those who say I'm a white lotus or a green tea, I can only say that everyone has different interpretations.

From her perspective, let's outline the timeline. After she had feelings for him in high school and they were quickly extinguished, she hasn't taken the initiative to talk to Zhuo Yunan again, right

Then, after graduating from high school, her family experienced a sudden change. During the four years she spent in university, she was busy with making a living. Zhu Yunan appeared only three times in total.

The first time was waiting at a cafe, Lan didn't know anything about it;

For the second time, in the elevator of Shiyan Technology's office building, Zhuo Yu'an saw her, and she didn't know it either;

The third time was at a company exhibition, which happened to coincide with Christmas. I met them then.

But from her perspective, for four years, her life has been completely devoid of this person's presence. It's a blank slate. What response could you possibly expect from her

Moreover, Zhuo Yuan fell in love with her first. However, he never persisted. When he confessed his feelings after high school graduation, if he had persevered a little longer, things might have been different. This Christmas, if he had persisted just a bit longer, waiting until the next day, things might also have been different.

Of course, this was caused by his pride when he was young. After the two had a truly intimate encounter, every time he was rejected again, he would get over his anger and come back again, which is why they eventually found happiness.

Finally, Tinglan does have many problems, and she, like us, is not a perfect person.

> It's touching to see readers say that, with Tinglan's perseverance and hard work, she could have lived a good life even without Zhuo Yuyan. The hardships she endured in recent years were indeed brought to her by Zhuo Yuyan, so did she not make any sacrifices Today, it's good to be kind to oneself >dent sitting in front of him, Cheng Chén.Don't say"I'm not sharing with you.""What"The Sunflower Scripture.Cheng Chen flipped it open and exclaimed in surprise, "Didn't expect you to be a top student!...