Chapter 735: Youth. Reunion

flushed instantly, and she glanced at Zhuo Yu'an across from her, only to see him still looking down at his phone. Perhaps sensing her gaze, he suddenly looked up, gave her a half-smile, half-serious...She walked briskly, her footsteps light, from the subway entrance towards the law firm building. 。Perhaps influenced by the girl yesterday, she wore a white shirt with a knee-length skirt today. Her waist was slender and her style was much more fashionable. 。Zuo Yu'an found her to be incredibly pleasing to the eye, no matter how he looked at her. The pure innocence of her youth had been replaced by another kind of aura, one that was difficult to describe precisely. Her gaze was both clear and resolute. 。He inexplicably felt that she resembled a wildflower, growing freely in the wilderness. She endured wind and rain, the changing seasons, and as long as she received a bit of sunshine, she could grow wildly, even though she seemed so delicate. 。Watching her figure disappear into the glass revolving door of the skyscraper, Zhuo Yu'an finally started his car and drove away. His heart, which had been filled with joy just moments ago, suddenly felt heavy and uncomfortable, even a twinge of heartache. 。Just like when I first saw her picture working at the cafe. 。At that time, he asked Lu Kuo why she had to work despite her good family background.

Lu Kuo later said that she experienced it for Process Morning, just to experience life. 。They all believed it. 。He and Lu Kuo were born with silver spoons in their mouths. They grew up in affluent environments, which made them unwilling to look down at the hardships of "ordinary people" in parallel worlds. 。Even though he didn't have support from his family during the first two years of his studies abroad, he managed his finances well. He relied on scholarships and part-time jobs at tech companies to make ends meet. 。They are incapable of understanding the struggles someone goes through for an extra few hundred dollars each month. 。After that, as long as there were no special circumstances, he would drive to the side of the road and watch her from afar. 。And she was particularly regular with her work schedule, arriving half an hour early in the morning and staying an hour late to leave the law firm. 。Life seemed quite simple as well. Apart from the female friend who frequently came to wait for her, there didn't appear to be any other men coming to pick her up. 。After looking at it for a while, my heart started to feel restless and agitated. 。He asked Lu Kuo: "Don't you guys from the high school in Senzhou ever have reunions"

Lu Kuo sneered: "As if your STEM class ever has reunions." 。"I'm different from you. I'm not the class monitor and I don't keep in touch with my classmates." 。"Lu Kuo is very smart: "Just say who you want to see." 。I thought you'd really let go of these things in the past two years and made some progress. 。"Don't point fingers when you have your own flaws." 。“

Refers to Lu Ku's unsuccessful attempts to reach Cheng Chen after traveling across mountains and seas to Qingshan, seeking a peaceful resolution. He received no response.” 。Lu Kuò disagreed: “I'm not like you. I don't have a secret crush. I tell her every day how much I like her.” 。"Well, I guess I'll have to learn from you." 。"The sun came out from the west, in his lifetime, Zhu Yu'an needed to learn from him

Lu Kuo instantly came alive: "Okay, I'll take care of this, brother." 。But he doesn't come to our annual gatherings. 。 。"Okay, thank you. " 。Just coincidentally, Zhuo Yu'an has been a little busy recently. One is that a new product is about to be launched, and he needs to hold a new product launch conference. He often runs between China and abroad. 。And also, after establishing its China branch, Zhuoyuan Technology's first acquisition project is also in the negotiation stage and there is no time to pay attention to other matters for now. 。Cheng Chen came to Senzhou on business this time. Because he had a lot of work, heavy tasks, and tight schedule, he didn't plan to meet Tinglan at all. After all, over the past few years, she frequently traveled for business and often saw Tinglan. 。But after being busy for a few days, just as he was about to return to Qining, Lu Kuo suddenly said there was a high school reunion, and it was fortunate to arrive early enough to attend. 。。Lu Kuò said, "This time I brought Zhuó Yǔ'ān along." 。When it was mentioned that Zhuo Yu'an was also coming, Cheng Chen immediately agreed. 。Cheng Chen's impression of Zhuo Yu'an was that he was a very ruthless man. Throughout their three years of high school, they had gone on trips together and eaten late-night snacks together, but after graduation, he stopped contacting his former classmates. It was really excessive, not showing any sentimentality towards his old friends at all. 。When Chen said this, Lu Kuo immediately disagreed: “Speaking of being heartless, Li Lan is the most heartless one.” 。She never attended the annual high school reunions, nor did she acknowledge me, her former class president. 。"

Cheng Chen: “Tinglan has her reasons.” 。"What's the hardship" Cheng Chen didn't answer again. That was Tinglan's privacy, Tinglan's pain. Tinglan hid and kept it to herself, so without her consent, she naturally wouldn't say a word. 。"Anyway, you girls, your minds are really hard to read." 。Never mind, since you're here for this dinner gathering, let Tinglan come too. 。She's now working as a lawyer at a law firm, and socializing a lot. Networking is beneficial to her. 。Lu Kuo did this both for Zhuo Yu'an and out of genuine concern for Ting Lan. 。Let me try. 。Cheng Chen naturally understands this truth. 。Listening felt a deep aversion to the high school reunion. 。Back then, she and her mother left in a hurry, unaware of how their family situation would spread among her acquaintances in Qīngníng or among her classmates. 。At that time, she was unaware that the news of her father's suicide by guilt had been suppressed, nor did anyone know about his affair with Wenlan and her daughter. 。Because Cheng Chen's soft and hard tactics, coupled with her desire to truly walk out of the shadows of the past and no longer be imprisoned by them, she agreed. 。

Like her previous circle of friends, a new beginning, a new journey. 。Zuo Yúan didn't expect Lü Kuò to organize this gathering so quickly. He was very busy at the time, with a new product about to be released. On the day of the gathering, it was his originally scheduled time to return to headquarters, so he had to make temporary changes. >>> 。Zuo Yuyan was indeed as Cheng Chen said, a person who was cold-hearted at his core. He had no impression of them, the students from the liberal arts class, even though he used to frequent their classes often before. 。Even Cheng Chen was a blurry impression, only knowing that Lu Kuo was chasing her, but had never paid attention to her. 。So when he walked into the private room with Lu Kuò, seeing a table full of people, all he could see was Ting Lán. 。Lu Kuò also knew he didn't want to deal with anyone, so after entering the private room, he lightly said: "I was just talking business with him and brought him here to eat." 。Lu Kuo deliberately arranged Zhuo Yu'an next to Ting Lan. Wasn't he thinking of that Let you get close enough. 。Although Zhuo Yu'an and Ting Lan hadn't had a formal meeting in a few years, he saw her every few days these past few months, so there wasn't any sense of awkwardness. 。But when he actually sat beside Tinglan, at such close proximity, feeling her breath, his heart started to race, and he even felt nervous. 。He was a man who could speak eloquently before thousands, who could sign billion-dollar contracts without batting an eyelid. Yet, he was nervous and excited to be sitting next to her. 。Of course, these thoughts are unfathomable to outsiders, for he appears calm and indifferent on the surface, eating slowly and methodically. As Lu Kuo said, he was just here for a free meal. 。Today is favorable to be favoredand we can eat together tonight."Before she could even speak, Gu Ruandong had already gotten up from his seat, adjusting his expression to look better than before, and spoke to her."Let's go get some...