Chapter 1272: Smoke of War Rises

ing him down, and said, "My lord, don't worry. Even if Xi’er calls me anything when she's better, it doesn't matter. Don't get angry about this.""Madam, you…"Feng Lingxi heard him call Mrs. Liu, and..."Go and see for yourself."

Feng Lingxi pulled Dugu Cheng along, while Ye Xi and Xiaoli led the way ahead. After walking for a while, they found a path down the mountain. It was hidden very well; if they hadn't happened to see it, they probably wouldn't have been able to find their way down.

Feng Lingxi stopped, looking down the path. They had come up this mountain trail, and now, moving forward, there was another path. It seemed they had traveled along this path to reach the top.

"Xiao Li, you and Yexi go to the front and see where this road leads, how far it goes."

Feng Lingxi ordered, Xiao Li and Ye Xi hurried forward. Dugu Cheng watched Feng Lingxi's sweat on her forehead and pulled her down to rest.

"This heart water is really good at finding."

Dugu Cheng glanced around. If he hadn't walked here, he wouldn't have known there was such a place on this mountain, let alone such a hidden village in Xicun County.

Feng Lingxi nodded, thinking of her mother. Was her mother hiding in the land temple that time Was she always hiding like this from the Yao Clan's pursuit

Dugu Cheng watched Feng Lingxi's gaze suddenly dim, thinking she was tired, and comforted her, "Xier, when we get to the village later, we'll find something to eat and rest for a while before continuing."

Feng Lingxi nodded, watching Ye Xi and Xiao Li run back, hurriedly getting up.

"What's the harvest"

"If we follow this road, we can get to the summit quickly. There's also a path that leads towards the mountainside, which is roughly where the cave is located."

Ye Xi's answer made them even more certain that the water they were looking for came from this mountain.

"Let's go down to the mountain and have a look."

Dugu Cheng pulled Feng Lingxi up, and the group descended the mountain. As they walked through the farmland, they saw a village with scattered houses, perhaps thirty to fifty households, home to a few hundred people. The village wasn't large, but the surrounding farmland was extensive. It was surrounded by mountains on all sides, as if embraced by them.

In the fields, villagers were tilling the land. When they saw a few people appearing suddenly, they hurriedly got up and walked towards the village.

"Ye Xi, you go and ask."

Ye Xi flew past with light kung fu, blocking the villager's path. The villager thought Ye Xi was going to kill him and knelt down begging for mercy out of fear.

“Spare my life, sir! I’m just a humble businessman. I know nothing.”

"You know what I want to ask you"

That villager looked up at the three people who followed, his face pale with fear.

"I... I don't know."

What are you panicking about

Ye Xi looked here, "We mean no harm, we just passed by here."

"We are not bad people, we just came down from the mountains and passed by your village. We wonder if we could have a cup of water in the village"

Feng Lingxi, in a gentle tone, asked, "Those villagers, seeing Feng Lingxi and Dugu City's attire, said, "You two must be from the government, right You can have some water. Come with me."

The villagers were willing to lead the way, and Feng Ling Xi and Dugu Cheng were surprised by what he said. They were government officials, which meant he had been out and seen the outside world.

This village is different from other villages. It's surrounded by mountains, and there aren't many good roads to leave. We came down from the mountains, and I don't want to go back up. My clothes are all scratched up from the branches.

When the villagers heard Feng Lingxi's words, they subconsciously glanced at her skirt.

"Yes, but we still need to ask the village chief if he'll let him go."

Feng Lingxi looked at Dugu City, it seemed they needed to meet this village head.

The entrance to this village was so strict. It wasn't surprising that someone came down from the mountain. It seemed like people went up and down quite often.

"Please take us to see the village head."

The villager nodded dumbly, "Just call me Sān Cái."

This villager quickly became talkative. Seeing Feng Lingxi and Dugu Cheng's attire, he knew they weren't ordinary people. He readily led the way, answering all their questions. He brought them into the village, where villagers emerged from their homes with curious glances. However, every household kept its doors shut.

"Village Head."

Sān cái loudly shouted, the village head's house was at the head of the village, a dirt house, with several chili corn cobs hanging at the door. In the courtyard, a woman was holding several children there, the child in her arms cried loudly, the woman coaxed and cursed, when she heard Sān cái's shout, she didn't lift her head and continued to coax her child.

A man in his forties or fifties walked out of the room. Seeing Dugu City and Feng Lingxi, his eyes changed noticeably.

"Sān cái, how did you lead outsiders into the village"

"Village head, they came down from the mountains, wanting to find a way out from here, they are all government officials."

"An official's family member"

The village head looked at Dugu City and his companions, “What proof do you have that you are government officials, just based on your clothes Rich people all dress like this.”

Dugu Cheng looked at the village head's attitude and said calmly, "Village Head, we only want to find a way out from here. Please give us a convenience."

The village chief looked at Dugu City, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Village head, it's not good, Zhao family's second son has gone mad again."

A figure ran up anxiously shouting, the village head heard and went mad, his face changed drastically, "How could he go crazy again, isn't he already fine Quickly take me to see him."

The village head was about to leave, and that woman began to berate him.

"If you leave, don't ever come back. The children are all messed up now, and you want to take responsibility for their lives and deaths If you keep going like this, don't even bother coming back."

The village head heard the woman scolding him, and he was very angry.

"I'm the village head, I won't go! If more and more people go mad, we're all finished. You, a woman, what do you know!"

Feng Lingxi heard the village chief's words, full of doubt.

"He just said that there are more and more people going crazy. What's the matter with that"



"How could someone go mad for no reason"

Feng Lingxi didn't believe it. There must be something fishy going on here.

The Three Talents shook their head, "I don't know, things have been like this for days now. There are already a dozen or so people in the village who have gone mad. They act like dogs fighting, fierce and terrifying, they all have to be locked up."

Feng Lingxi watched as the village head and his wife argued fiercely, her brow furrowed.

"Shall we go take a look"

Dugu City nodded, something like this had happened, he definitely had to go and see it.

This situation of someone biting people is chilling and needs to be investigated.

"Sān cái, I ask you, did a woman in red clothing come to your village some days ago She should have been with many other women."

San Cai hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, yes! That woman is so beautiful. She has a lot of followers, all women. They hunted a lot of prey for our village and gave us food. Some even stayed behind to be wives for the unmarried men in our village."elings for the Third Princess. Just look at his attitude." Although her methods are a bit despicable, this is all because Duke Dugong forced her, she had no choice but to resort to such measures."As a...