Chapter 1273: War Drums Beat

r birthday, but she had inquired and learned that she was the only one who had been pardoned. If she hadn't guessed wrong, she was afraid it was because of her.Therefore, your relationship with the Cr...Where are they

Feng Lingxi curiously glanced at the village. She hadn't seen a single beautiful woman at any of the doorsteps along the way. Instead, every household had its door tightly shut, and there wasn't a soul in sight in the courtyards. It was strange that they would all be inside their houses during broad daylight.

“Everyone’s gone.”

Sān cái scratched his head and said foolishly, "They all ran out in just a few days."

How many people

Looking at the three talents like this, Dugu City should be one of them as well.

"There were five or six of them, all volunteers. They all stayed for a few days and then left."

Three Talents said this, his face full of worry, "I thought we could all have wives, but unfortunately, they're still gone."

Feng Lingxi frowned, this day there's such a good thing in the world, a wife sent to your door for free

"Excuse me for asking, but are all these girls who came here willingly innocent"

Du Gucheng heard Feng Lingxi's words and hurriedly tugged at her sleeve. Feng Lingxi ignored him, but looked at Sancai. Seeing him shake his head, Feng Lingxi already knew the ins and outs of the situation.

This must be intentional. It's obvious that a young woman from a respectable family wouldn't become the wife of a bachelor in this village, and run away after just a few days. This is clearly a plot.

"Are all the crazy people the ones who have been in contact with those girls"

"Yes, they've been in contact. I think they're acting this way because their daughter-in-law left."

And what about you Do you have a wife at home

Sān cái hurriedly shook his head. "No, I haven't married a wife yet, but I haven't been as lucky as them and haven't gotten a share of the wives."

"So, did all the daughters-in-law go crazy"

"Now, the main issue is with the Liu family's patriarch. Both of his sons received wives, and they both went crazy. There’s also Zhuzi’s household at the village head. After his wife left, he went insane and started biting people. After the bites, it spreads, which is why the village chief isolates them."

"Take us there."

Feng Lingxi glanced at Dugu City. These crazy people were definitely not just because those women had left, otherwise, it wouldn't be so coincidental that they all went mad, and the bitten ones would also be contagious.

"Let's go check the situation out first."

The Three Talents led the way, this village head had already reached the front, following them to Liu's house. As soon as they arrived at Liu's house, they heard a commotion, followed by a body being thrown, flying out of the courtyard and landing on the ground, with bloodstains all over their clothes.

"Don't go over there."

Feng Ling Xi watched as Du Gu Cheng walked towards the figure, she grabbed his arm and stared at the tall figure emerging from the house. The man was covered in blood, his face contorted in rage, he rushed forward like a madman and started tearing into the person on the ground. The person on the ground fought back, refusing to be subdued, and the two engaged in another fierce battle.


The village head watched the two of them sizing each other up, wanting to step forward but hesitating, his face clouded with worry.

"How did this happen"

"Aren't they Liu Da's two sons"

Feng Lingxi asked the Sancai (Three Talents), and the Sancai, upon regaining their consciousness, nodded slightly. They couldn't help but shiver involuntarily.

They're really getting scary, their eyes are bloodshot.

Feng Lingxi glanced at the fence wall. The two people were fighting inside the courtyard, neither coming out. The bloodstains on them should belong to both parties. Both of them were seriously injured, but they were still powerful, their eyes white like they had no eyeballs.

She rarely saw such patients, looking possessed.

"Xiao Li, do you have silver needles on you"


Xiao Li hurriedly took out the silver needles from her bosom and handed them to Feng Ling Xi. Feng Ling Xi took out a silver needle from inside and asked Dugu City, “Can you subdue them and prevent them from hurting themselves”

Dugu Cheng and Ye Xi glanced at each other, then leaped into the courtyard. In a few moves, they had immobilized the two fighting men by striking their acupoints. The two men froze, their bodies lifeless, their eyes vacant.

The village head watched as Dugu City immobilized them, his face full of astonishment, "You are so powerful." After speaking, he hurried forward. Feng Lingxi had already walked over, looking at the two people who were immobilized in front of her, carefully checking their injuries. Her gaze fell on their hands, their nails were black and much longer than normal people's.

Feng Lingxi took out the silver hairpin from her head and pried open their necks. Besides a few scratches, there were no other wounds.

"Xier, have you discovered anything"

Dugu City looked at Feng Lingxi's actions, very puzzled.

"I'm taking a look."

The village head, curious to see Feng Ling Xi giving them pulses, curiously asked, "Can this madam practice medicine"

"The village head, they are so capable, perhaps they can help us."

Sān Cài was delighted. Watching Fēng Língxī feel his pulse, his serious expression and eager anticipation filled him with joy.

"Some of the symptoms are like rabies."

Dugu Cheng frowned, "What is rabies"

"That is..."

Wind Ling Xi looked at them with curious eyes, "Simply put, they should have been bitten by a dog."

"This is impossible, there isn't even a single dog in our village."

The village head hurriedly denied it, looking at Feng Lingxi and starting to doubt her medical skills.

"Are you sure they've never been bitten"

Wind Lingxi questioned, looking at the village head's eyes flickering, her tone becoming sharp, "Village head, this is a serious matter, you know what, tell me, I will do my best, if you don't say it, I am also powerless."

"Village head, didn't Liu Da's family keep a dog before That dog bit someone and was slaughtered."

After finishing his story, the village chief looked at Sān Cái with a face full of anger.

"The dog took a bite."

"Who got sick first, the two of them"

Feng Lingxi looked at Liu Da's two sons. The condition of the two seemed to have developed simultaneously, which means they were either bitten at the same time or one person bit the other and got scratched in the process.

"I don't know about that. There was something like this a few days ago, but no one expected it to suddenly go crazy like this. This is how each of them is."

Wind Lingxi hearing the village head's frustrated tone, suddenly thought of something, hurriedly walked into the room, looking at the messy bed inside, there were signs of fighting everywhere, indicating that these two people had been fighting non-stop.

This bite is contagious, its eyes are lifeless, like rabies but not quite.

Feng Lingxi walked out, taking out a silver needle and pricking the fingers of each person. As she looked at the dark bloodstains, her eyes narrowed slightly - poisoning.

They weren't bitten by anything, they were poisoned.

Help them lie down on the ground and unbutton their shirts.

Feng Lingxi ordered, hastily crouching down and spreading out her silver needles, instructing Xiao Li, "Give me a fire starter."

Xiaoli hurriedly handed the object to Feng Lingxi, watching as the princess began to disinfect the surgical knife with a puzzled expression.

What is this

The village head questioned in confusion, but Feng Lingxi didn't answer. Her eyes were fixed on their chests. She began to prick needles. The village head wanted to step forward, but Dugu Cheng stopped him.

"If you don't want them to get into trouble, just stop making noise."n before."Your Majesty, does the Fourth Princess know why the Imperial Palace has summoned her today"Wind Lingxi shook her head, and suddenly there was a loud bang in her ear. Wind Lingxi's face chang...