home fantastic Item Yunfeng
  • Item Yunfeng
  • author: Tales of the Strange update: 2024-10-22
  • state: serialized
  • I shook my head and piled up ten or so sheets of white paper. "Too difficult," I said. "The day before yesterday, I went to the Yin Chuan Museum and copied a character from a sheepskin scroll. I asked a deputy researcher for help, but... he didn't recognize it either.","That's right," he sighed, "The researcher surnamed Ma shook his head after seeing my copied characters. He said it was a special kind of Xi Xia script, similar to palace writing, used only within the small circle of Partyuan noble clans. It's very difficult to translate now.","It's alright, I already told Mr. Shang. He agreed to lend us a few good camels."。

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